2021 - December Beacon

NCYC Beacon

December 2021

From the Bridge –

Commodore Glenn Nixon Sheila and I hope our members continue to be safe and healthy.

I just cannot believe this message is my last official Beacon article. The last three years of serving on the Flag of our great Club have passed so quickly! It has been a tremendous honor to serve the Club and her Members. I look forward to continuing to serve on the Board one more year and represent our Club in the ABYA. There are so many people to thank for their hard work and dedication that has enabled our members to enjoy the best club on the Great Lakes! I especially wish to recognize the outstanding group of people that have served on our Board of Directors. We accomplished much this last year. I also want to thank our First Mates for all their hard work and contributions. Over these past three years I have developed a huge respect for our Past Commodores. I learned their help and support "behind the scenes" is critical to a successful year. I want every P/C to know I recognize and appreciate their continued contribution to the Club. I look forward to taking my place among them, to help and support those who follow me and continue to dedicate time and effort to sustaining the Club and serving her members.

Sheila and I wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. I hope to see many of our Members at V/C Dale's Commodore's Ball in January. It always seems like winter passes quickly after the Ball and we will be together again at our island paradise to bring the clubhouse and grounds back to life and enjoy a new boating season!

Again, thanks to all for the honor of serving as your Commodore this year!

Glenn Nixon

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From the Bridge – Vice Commodore Dale Hall

I want to thank Commodore Glenn, Rear Commodore Brian, and the Board of Directors for everything we

accomplished in 2021. I also want to thank the board members that are concluding their term, we truly appreciate your dedication to NCYC. Thank you to the new members elected to the Flag and the Board of Directors, we have many things to accomplish in 2022. Special thanks to the First Mates for making such a great year out of what could have been a very tough and challenging year. All the fund-raising activities, all the meals and all the hard work is a shining example of what makes NCYC so successful. Thank you for everything you do! I would like to remind all members that your work hours are very important to NCYC. It is difficult for the OD to accommodate everyone’s schedule when they are developing their weekend work schedule. It is critically important that you stay in contact with the Weekend OD and reach out to them early if you need to make ANY changes to your scheduled weekend hours. Our NCYC (Working Club) also needs your help every year opening and closing the island. All members are required to work 4 hours in either the Spring or the Fall. If you plan a special activity that exempts you from these 4 work hours, it is imperative that you share that information with a member of the Flag or the Membership Director. We truly need your thoughts, ideas and strong back to improve our great yacht club.

It is hard to believe but, the boats are put away and we have come to the true end of another great boating season. We are looking forward to setting the new board and getting organized to do it all again in 2022. V/C Dale





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A Message from Chaplain Mark Javery

This month has brought heartache to the NCYC family with the passing of member and past

Director John Prochaska.

Member Ruth Durand remains hospitalized with heart issues and pneumonia awaiting further tests. Reading your Facebook posts on the NCYC members site has been uplifting to her. Please keep the friends and families of our NCYC membership who have lost loved ones this past year and those who continue to battle chronic illness in your thoughts and prayers. We live in a world enamored with wealth and power. Governments and individuals building empires, storing riches, things held onto tightly yet so temporary. The beauty of the Christmas story is that in the humblest of circumstances a child is born who will be the true King, the Everlasting Prince of Peace, our Savior. The story was first told to shepherds and blessed we are that this good news of Jesus’ birth is for all people.

Luke 2: 1-20 (KJV)

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Ceasar Augustus that the world should be taxed. 2 And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria. 3 And all went to be

taxed, every one into his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David; 5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. 6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. 7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. 8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. 15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. 16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. 17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. 18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. 19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. 20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

His birth…a miracle. His love…our gift.

His day…time to rejoice. Let us rejoice in all He has given us and love each other as He loves us.

Merry Christmas !



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2021 Appointments

Safety Officer:

Terry Steinmacher

Clubhouse Manager:

Tony Scicluna


Mark Javery

Board Recorder:

Doug Betts

IT Officer:

P/C Bill Hendricks

Fleet Captain:

Scott Goemmel and Michele LaCombe


Scott Goemmel

Sergeant at Arms:

Mitch Finley

Sergeant Major:

P/C Scott Bell

Fleet Surgeon:

Ann Malik

Youth Director:

Erin Rae

Burgees, Flags and Pins:

Jill Romatz

Club Historian:

P/C Paul Jarvis

Kids Day Chair:

Erin Rae

Island Flowers:

Linda Pagel

Commodore’s Sign:

Kevin Verkest

Mainland Wells:

Tim O’Brien

ABYA Delegate:

P/C Bill Calihan

Clubhouse Custodian:

Robin & Derick Zinyk

Grounds Keeper:

Tom Stackpoole


Tom Comeford



Position & Phone

Ellen Alcazar……………………..….………...PRESIDENT 248-444-8179

Sheila Nixon.....……….……….…….….VICE PRESIDENT 810-341-4789

Charrae Trocki......................RECORDING SECRETARY 586-214-2556

Kim Scicluna…………..…….………..………TREASURER 586-944-8153

Michelle Rybinski…....CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 810-923-7828

Colleen Hall…………………...MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR 586-536-4220

Susan Burkhardt.………..………PUBLICITY DIRECTOR 586-405-3792

Christa Betts….……………..………..SOCIAL DIRECTOR 586-216-2042

Jill Romatz…………………….…. BOATIQUE DIRECTOR 586-265-7793

Colleen Braun…....………………..…..PAST PRESIDENT 586-242-9698

Please Support your Beacon Advertisers

OFFICE: (586) 775-7054 FAX: [586) 775-8'9'21







sr. Cl.AIR SHOm, Ml 4:SOB0-1Bll

First Mates Mention


It’s the most magical time of the year…

The First Mates Holiday Party was a resounding success and special thanks go to our Social Director Christa Betts! The food was great and the company even better! From the special NCYC First Mates ornaments and beautiful centerpieces to the delicious dessert cupcakes and wonderful dinner the party was fantastic! Members were very generous with their donations to the Friends of Fosters. Thank you to all of the members that donated gifts to the raffle, the prizes were wonderful and lots of ladies went home with beautiful gifts baskets and prizes.

We also want to say “Thank You” to our 2021 First Mates President Ellen Alcazar for doing a great job and being a wonderful friend and leader!

“Thank You” to all of our members who supported and contributed to all of the First Mates parties and projects, none of the work done this year would be possible without you. Whether you sold raffle tickets, assisted in the kitchen, washed dishes, donated money or gifts or just showed up and supported…THANK YOU!!!

Wishing all of our members the happiest of Holidays! May you be blessed with health and happiness as we ring in 2022!

Season’s Greetings!

Susan Burkhardt


 First Mates Fashion Show, Sunday, May 1, 2022 . Barrister Gardens, 24225 Harper, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080.

Save the date...

2022 NCYC FIRST MATES FASHION SHOW T i cke t s a r e $40 and i nc l ude l unch and open ba r . Rese r va t i ons can be ma i l ed t o Renee McEvoy 36703 St . C l a i r Dr i ve , New Ba l t imo r e , MI 48047


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North Chann

North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting October 7 th , 2021

Commodore, Glenn Nixon Commodore Glenn Nixon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was hosted at the NCYC clubhouse and through Zoom call in. Roll Call Secretary Gary Jialanella F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Glenn Nixon x Vice Commodore Dale Hall x Rear Commodore Brian Fringer x D IRECTORS Transportation Thomas Lisowski x Harbor & Grounds Terry Steinmacher x Activities Dennis Alcazar x Treasurer Kevin Rae x Publications Melissa Winkler x Delayed Secretary Gary Jialanella x Membership Debbie Siwek x Supplies Al Douglas x Club House William Burkhardt x I MMEDIATE P AST C OMMODORE P/C Bill Calihan x A PPOINTED P OSITIONS Fleet Captain Scott Goemmel x Excused Board Recorder Doug Betts x Member Guest

Pledge of Allegiance


Approval of Agenda


Motion to approve October’s agenda Motion by: P/C Bill Calihan Second by : Dennis Alcazar Motion : Carried by all

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October 7, 2021

Approval of August’s Meeting Minutes


Motion to approve September’s Meeting Minutes Motion by: Gary Jialanella Second by : Dennis Alcazar Motion : Carried by all

Commodore’s Comments

Commodore, Glenn Nixon

Sheila and I hope our members continue to be safe and healthy. It is hard to believe we are just a few short days away from the Haul Out party! It has been an incredible season of fun and fellowship. Thanks all who participated and assisted with the Commodore's Golf Outing, Smoke on the Water and Polish Dinner. Every event was a resounding success! We are looking forward to Karaoke with P/C Don and Barb Vanover Friday evening, October 8, the final General Membership Meeting of the year on Saturday, October 9 at 1pm, and the Mardi Gras party Saturday evening, October 9. Costumes are optional. Please come and enjoy the band. We understand they are outstanding entertainers. We hope to have a good turnout. Thank you and good luck to the candidates in the upcoming election at the General Membership meeting. It is incredibly important part of our Club to have enthusiastic and dedicated members to look after the health and welfare of the Club and her Membership. Please don't forget we still have quite a bit of work ahead of us to close down the Club for the winter. At last count we had over 70 members that have not fulfilled their 8 hours requirement for spring opening or fall closing for this year. We do not want to send bills to our members for missed work hours. Commodore Glenn Nixon I want to thank Commodore Glenn and his lady Sheila and the rest of the BOD for everything we accomplished in 2021, thanks for all your commitment. Looking back at our opening weekend we have had outstanding attendance at all our events. Several stand out to me; number 1 being the Commodore’s Ball, The Big Smoke, Surf and Turf, Kids Weekend, Wine Tasting, Smoke on the Water, and our Labor Day Party. Although I was out of town, I heard the return of the Polish Dinner last weekend was a huge hit. I’m proud of all the members that have stepped up to run for a position on the BOD, Cash Reserve and Rear Commodore. Special thanks to the nominating committee for all their hard work. As we look forward to the election results and the members that will lead our club into 2022, I am excited about next year. The winter will go by quickly and I am looking forward to a great 2022. End of comment V/C Dale Hall Vice-Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, Dale Hall

Rear-Commodore’s Comments

Rear Commodore, Brian Fringer

I would like to reiterate what V/C Dale Hall has said, I want to thank Commodore Glenn and his lady Sheila and the rest of the BOD for everything we accomplished in 2021. Everyone was very dedicated, and it is very much appreciated. I would like to thank the candidates for stepping up and volunteering because that is what makes this club go. I would also like to thank the week and weekend OD’s

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October 7, 2021

because they are the ones that take care of the club when most of us are working. I’m looking forward to a great weekend and looking forward to next year.

End of comment R/C Brian Fringer

Financial Report

Treasurer, Kevin Rae

August and September 2021: Income of $93,462.83, Expenses of $99,864.40, Net Loss of $6,401.57. In this time frame we paid nearly $11,000.00 in property taxes. Cash on hand $365,203.49 of which $90,307.85 is cash reserve. Motion by: P/C Bill Calihan Second by : Debbie Siwek Motion : Carried by all P/C Bill Calihan The next ABYA meeting is November 1 st at Huron Pointe Yacht Club and dinner is $12.00 per person. Save the date for the ABYA annual Christmas Charity Ball honoring Commodore Patricia Mok, all P/C’s and commanders on December 4, 2021, at the Rochester Hills Banquet Center; the cost is $85.00 per person. A 50/30/15/5 Raffle will be done at the Ball. ABYA Report

Make a motion for the club to purchase $100 in tickets for the 50/30/15/5 Raffle Motion by: Brian Fringer Second by : Dennis Alcazar Motion : Carried by all End of Report






Dennis Alacazar

Dennis is still waiting on a report for Smoke on the Water. He is currently waiting on a couple of receipts from the Commodore’s Golf Outing.


Bill Burkhardt

Cupola sprung a leak, looks like a flashing issue that only happens with a storm from the south, will need to investigate further. Purchased additional CO2 sensors and Combo Smoke Alarm-Co2 sensors. They will be installed during the building shut down. Developing building shut down to do and checklist.

Harbor & Grounds

Terry Steinmacher

*We have received the propane storage cage that was ordered and are now storing full propane tanks in it. If you exchange an empty tank, please put them behind the storage cage. *We have changed all the bulbs on D Dock and what lights, the lights that are not working need to be addressed at the pedestals.

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October 7, 2021

*We have installed 2 new fire extinguishers (1) by the door going into the coolers for the generator and the propane area and (1) under the canopy by the new fire pit. *The hole in the parking lot was filled with 3 ton of rock. *I tried changing the bulbs on Battleship Row and could not get any of them to work. John Sweier recommended that we add some sort of path lighting, we purchased 12 path lights and installed the on both sides of the walkway and now we have some good lighting out there. Good call John, it is much safer out there now that we have some lighting. *Tree trimming will be started and completed on Monday October 11, 202, weather permitting. If you still need to work some hours, please come out and help haul the debris to the burn pit. *We also have all the estimates for the breaker replacement, and they have been forwarded to the flag for review. *I will keep posting on the NCYC Facebook page as projects are completed, not for a pat on my back but to keep the membership informed and up to date as to what your Harbor and Grounds Director is up to around the island. Besides that, there is a lot of feedback going back and forth and it seems like everyone likes to be updated on the progress. End of Report


Debbie Siwek

Request for donation for $500.00 to Yachting Club of America Motion by: Debbie Siwek Second by : Gary Jialanella Motion : Carried by all

9 paid applications to be interviewed in 2022 We currently have: 174 Boating Members 26 Non-Boating Members 47 Senior Members 23 of the Senior members have boats, brings total members with boats at 197 16 Jr members 2 expelled members


Melissa Winkler

No Report


Gary Jialanella

This year we have had a handful of no shows and they are new members. We need to reiterate the importance of working our hours. The ballot processing is going along well. End of Report


Al Douglas

We need to hold 24 barrels of beer in the cooler to not run out. Al is suggesting that we purchase another fridge to house wine and bar supplies. Table fridge discussion for a couple months.

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October 7, 2021

End of Report


Tom Lisowski

All the Fin’s are still running and floating. Fin 2 still has no leaks which is amazing. Darryl Campbell donated an idle cut off for Fin 2 which should help with the running after the boat has been turned off. Tom is in the process of fabricating a bracket for this. Tom will be working on this next week. Tom is still looking for a replacement Fin, he is looking into a fiberglass option. End of Report

Fleet Captain/Harbor Master

Scott Goemmel

No Report




*Policy committee recommendations – Tabled to November

*Generator replacement – Bill Burkhardt and P/C Bill Calihan This was presented to the Cash Reserve, and it was agreed that this is an urgent matter, that meets all criteria set forth in the By-Laws. A motion was passed to spend up to but not more than $25,000.00 for this project. Bill Burkhardt has 3 quotes for a new generator, the accepted quote is from Art Ashley and P/C Randy Pagel are going to donate all the labor to install a new generator. The insurance policy will cover $16,000.00 of the cost of replacement. Bill Burkhardt will meet with Terry and V/C Dale on Saturday to discuss what will need to happen before the new generator is installed to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. The cause of the fire is still unknown, and it will probably never be known as this is very costly.

*Approval of 2022 Budget for presentation at GMM – Kevin Rae Motion by: Bill Burkhardt Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all

*Approval of starting work under building – BOD Motion to hire DIB Construction for our water mitigation under the building up to $10,000.00, work will consist of removing all debris, leveling the ground, and installing proper drainage and sump pumps. Motion by: V/C Dale Hall Second by : P/C Bill Calihan Motion : Carried by all

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October 7, 2021

*Review of capital projects to present to GMM – V/C Dale Hall 1. There was a meeting with the finance committee and the Robison project will be pushed one more year. The cost of steel is very high, and the quote is at $86,000.00. This will be communicated at the GMM on Saturday. Our permit is good through 2023. 2. $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 for replacement of walkway from the Boatique to D-Dock (approximately 280 feet). This does fall into our Capital budget. 3. Replacement of railing around A-Dock (Battleship Row), looking to spend under $10,000.00. 4. $28,000.00 to $46,000.00 for electric shock mitigation. Thank you, Terry, for spending the time working on quotes. * Expulsion letters – Gary Jialanella Expulsion letters went out to 2 separate members. Confirmation was received by Secretary Gary Jialanella that the letters were received. This will be posted on the bulletin board. *Dock Incident – Gary Jialanella Follow up with member that fell through the dock. Discussion of a safety inspection being done every spring. We need to have an incident report put in the OD manual and it will need to be filled out by the OD if there is an accident/incident. R/C Brian Fringer will supply an OSHA form that we can use.

High 5’s


Member of the Month

Christa Betts Motion by: Bill Burkhardt Second by : Debbie Siwek Motion : Carried by all

Good of the Order

Member of the month pins need to be given out. Raise initiation fees.


Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 pm Motion by: P/C Bill Calihan Second by: Bill Burkhardt Motion: Carried by all.

Next Meeting

Date and Time: November 11, 2021, 7:00pm location to be determined

NCYC Members of the Month January - None February - None March - None April - Tony Rybinski

The NCYC Board of Directors would like to present Tony Rybinski with Member of the Month for April, 2021. The Board of Directors were struggling with finding a solid and cost-effective fix for the Genoa Seawall on the West end of the island. This repair could have been very expensive for the club but, Tony stepped up and identified a process and a contractor that could use expandable foam to repair the holes, seal the water/soil and stop the erosion. Tony negotiated with the contractor, helped organize the meeting and convinced the contractor to come to the island and help NCYC. The results were fantastic, the problem is resolved and NCYC saved approximately $40K in the process. May – P/C Bill Hendricks Congratulations to P/C Bill Hendricks for his nomination as the Member of the Month for May, 2021. NCYC has experienced a few ongoing problems with the WiFi at the island, especially in the East Harbor. Prior to opening, Bill organized a team and ran new cable and installed new hardware to ensure we have a full boating season of good WiFi connection. For his dedication, organization and

hard work we would like to recognize P/C Bill Hendricks as Member of the Month for May. June - Ron Braun The NCYC Board of Directors would like to recognize Ron Braun as the Member of the Month for June, 2021. Upon completion of the Genowa Seawall repairs in late May, Ron took on the huge task of backfilling the erosion that occurred behind the wall and on the Northwest corner of the island. His creative idea of cleaning out the burn pit and using the material as fill helped to complete a couple of necessary projects. Topsoil was added, leveled and grass seed planted on the island behind the walkway/seawall and the end results looks outstanding. Thank you, Ron, for all you do for NCYC. July – Scott Greenfelder The NCYC Board of Directors would like to present Scott Greenfelder with Member of the Month for July, 2021. Scott was an invaluable asset this spring in helping get the club opened and running. In addition to helping with the opening, he was part of the elite brigade and made several critical plumbing repairs to the building saving hundreds of dollars. Thank you, Scott!! August - None September - P/C Bill and Mary Hendricks Peter and Norma Frame The NCYC Board of Directors would like to recognize Peter & Norma Frame and P/C Bill & Mary Hendricks as the Member of the Month for September 2021. Although it was an emotional experience in late August, this weekday team noticed the fire that ensued from a problem with our back-up generator. They acted quickly to contain the fire which did not spread to the clubhouse potentially avoiding what could have been a terrible incident. NCYC will be replacing the generator in the Spring or early Summer but, the quick action of our great members has once again paid dividends to all of us. Thank you, Peter, Norma, Mary Beth and P/C Bill, for all that you do. October – Christa Betts The NCYC Board of Directors would like to present Christa Betts with Member of the Month for October 2021. It was very difficult to tie this award to any, one

specific month. From the very beginning, she jumped in and helped out whenever asked, as well as, many more times without being asked. If she saw something that needed to be done she did it. Weekday OD, Weekend OD, selling raffle tickets, working multiple events, and much more. Congratulations Christa on a well- deserved honor. November – Rob Ault The NCYC Board of Directors would like to congratulate Rob Ault and celebrate his being designated Member of the Month for December 2021. As a new member to NCYC in 2021 Rob has demonstrated a very outgoing attitude by recruiting new members, fund raising and identifying ways to improve the island. Rob’s conscientious approach to helping out and praising others that support all the great activities at NCYC works to brighten everyone’s day. This fall, Rob organized donations to purchase new life rings that are personalized with “NCYC”. These new life rings will be proudly displayed around the entire island for opening weekend and throughout the summer.

Roster Updates Please check to see whether any of your contact information or boat information needs to be updated for the Roster. We will start making updates after the New Year. Thank you! ~ Melissa

Advertise with NCYC! If you are interested in advertising your business to fellow NCYC members, please print the PDF e-mailed to you, e-mail Melissa the PDF you would like included in the Roster/ Beacon at MelissaWinkler828@gmail.com, and mail Melissa your check. If you have any questions, contact Melissa Winkler – 248-396-1878 or via e-mail. Thanks!

Come in for all of your vehicle needs! https://www.sterlingheightsdodge.net/

2022 Weekday Schedule Members: Weekday manager schedule begins May 30, 2022 Please add your name and team to the calendar of weeks below. Your help is greatly appreciated. Questions: Call Colleen Braun at 586-242-9698 or Ron Braun at 586-306-3531



Team Partners

May 22 - May 27

P/C Ian Blackburn

Commodore Dale and Colleen Hall

May 29 - June 3

June 5 - June 10

Tony and Kim Scicluna

Pat and Brigida Sullivan / Ron and Shannon Nagaj

June 12 - June 17

Steve and Donna Kuhr

Steve Barker / Michelle

June 19 - June 24 LADIES WEEK

Colleen Braun

Colleen Hall / Christa Betts / Susan Burkhardt

June 26 - July 1

V/C Brian Fringer / Bob Fringer Dennis Pomeroy

July 3 - July 8

Colleen and Ron Braun

Tony and Michelle Rybinski

July 10 - July 15

July 17 - July 22 July 24 - July 29 PIB/CYC Rendevous

Scott Goemmel

July 31 - August 5

Colleen and Ron Braun

Harley and Linda Burris / P/C Ian Blackburn and Marie

August 7 - August 12

Leslie Leitch and Patty Mok

Trevor and Elizabeth Trelfa / Roman Kolodchin

August 14 - August 19

Mike and Linda May

Colleen and Ron Braun

August 21 - August 26

P/C Rick and Jill Romatz

Shelly and Gary Schroka / Nikki and Bill Frederiksen

August 28 - September 2

P/C Randy and Linda Pagel

Ellen and Dennis Alcazar / Ron and Colleen Braun

September 4 - September 9

Steve and Diane Marten

Ron and Jeannine Kemp

September 11 - September 16

John and Shelly Sweier

Christa and Doug Betts

September 18 - September 23

September 25 - September 30

P/C Bill and Terri Calihan

Russ and Pat Adams

October 2 - October 7

Roman Kolodchin

John and Shelly Sweier


2021 Well Seniority List BY WELL


Well No.







Charles Herr Bill Hendricks


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Charles Herr Brian McEvoy Jeff Edgerly John Dickson Terry Hart Greg Criner Steve Marten Dave Gronbach Bill Hendricks Brent Malik Larry Malik Ron Kemp Mark Busch Kevin Verkest Ian Blackburn Brian Roath

1992 2008 2009


Ron Kemp

3/26/07 4/2/07

John Dickson Larry Malik Brian McEvoy Jeff Edgerly Terry Hart Mark Busch Steve Marten Ian Blackburn

4/2/07 4/26/11

4/7/07 2008



2013 2016 2006

4/26/11 5/10/11


4/29/15 4/7/07 3/26/07 5/10/11

4/3/14 4/29/15 6/1/15 4/30/19 7/19/20 3/23/21 2016

Brent Malik Greg Criner

Dave Gronbach Dennis Biel Brian Roath Kevin Verkest



7/19/20 4/30/19

Dennis Biel Available Available

( Rev.6/22/21)


1 2 3


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12









Lake Level Link


Looking forward to seeing you on the island!

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