2021 - December Beacon
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October 7, 2021
because they are the ones that take care of the club when most of us are working. I’m looking forward to a great weekend and looking forward to next year.
End of comment R/C Brian Fringer
Financial Report
Treasurer, Kevin Rae
August and September 2021: Income of $93,462.83, Expenses of $99,864.40, Net Loss of $6,401.57. In this time frame we paid nearly $11,000.00 in property taxes. Cash on hand $365,203.49 of which $90,307.85 is cash reserve. Motion by: P/C Bill Calihan Second by : Debbie Siwek Motion : Carried by all P/C Bill Calihan The next ABYA meeting is November 1 st at Huron Pointe Yacht Club and dinner is $12.00 per person. Save the date for the ABYA annual Christmas Charity Ball honoring Commodore Patricia Mok, all P/C’s and commanders on December 4, 2021, at the Rochester Hills Banquet Center; the cost is $85.00 per person. A 50/30/15/5 Raffle will be done at the Ball. ABYA Report
Make a motion for the club to purchase $100 in tickets for the 50/30/15/5 Raffle Motion by: Brian Fringer Second by : Dennis Alcazar Motion : Carried by all End of Report
Dennis Alacazar
Dennis is still waiting on a report for Smoke on the Water. He is currently waiting on a couple of receipts from the Commodore’s Golf Outing.
Bill Burkhardt
Cupola sprung a leak, looks like a flashing issue that only happens with a storm from the south, will need to investigate further. Purchased additional CO2 sensors and Combo Smoke Alarm-Co2 sensors. They will be installed during the building shut down. Developing building shut down to do and checklist.
Harbor & Grounds
Terry Steinmacher
*We have received the propane storage cage that was ordered and are now storing full propane tanks in it. If you exchange an empty tank, please put them behind the storage cage. *We have changed all the bulbs on D Dock and what lights, the lights that are not working need to be addressed at the pedestals.
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