2021 - May Beacon
From the Bridge –
Commodore Glenn Nixon Commodores Comments May 2021 Beacon
Sheila and I hope our members continue to be safe and healthy. We continue to carefully monitor the COVID-19 situation and will adjust and publish our COVID-19 response to the membership as needed. As always, the Board and Flag remain committed to continuing progress toward readying the club for opening in our traditional timeframe while keeping the health and safety of the membership as our number one priority. Most of you have probably received your invitation to the Commodore's Ball which will be held on the Island on June 12. If you have not receive your invitation, please contact me. We have arranged for a 40' x 80' tent to accommodate attendees. We plan to keep every tradition you have come to expect at the Commodore's Ball while observing the current restrictions and guidelines. More details as they become available. Please watch for fanouts as we will likely need to share details on parking and management of the harbor for the event. We now have two Elite Brigades under our belts. Due to the cooperative weather, we have made astounding progress with preparation of the harbor and grounds. The spring cleanup of the flower beds is almost complete. Almost all of the mulch has been
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