2021 - May Beacon

North Chann

North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting March 11 th ,2021

Call to Order Commodore, Glenn Nixon Commodore Glenn Nixon called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was hosted through Zoom call in. Roll Call Secretary Gary Jialanella F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Glenn Nixon x Vice Commodore Dale Hall x Rear Commodore Brian Fringer x D IRECTORS Transportation Thomas Lisowski x Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli x Activities Dennis Alcazar x Treasurer Kevin Rae x Publications Melissa Winkler x Secretary Gary Jialanella x Membership Debbie Siwek x Supplies Al Douglas x Club House William Burkhardt x Excused I MMEDIATE P AST C OMMODORE P/C Bill Calihan x A PPOINTED P OSITIONS Fleet Captain Scott Goemmel x Board Recorder Doug Betts x Excused Member Guest Ellen Alcazar x

Pledge of Allegiance


Guest Speaker Ellen Alcazar First Mates President

First Mates President Ellen Alcazar stated that the First Mates are holding off till May to give money to the board in hopes that the fashion show goes off without any glitches and if the Boatique does well more money will be given at Haul Out.

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