2021 - May Beacon
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March 11, 2021
Vice-Commodore’s Comments
Vice Commodore, Dale Hall
Vice Commodore’s Comments With a little bout of winter weather at the end of February, the extended forecast appears to be warming up Southeast Michigan as we move into mid-March. With all of us holding our collective breath for the second half of March to stay above average temperature, we will be headed to the island very soon to start getting it ready for a great year. A special thank you to Secretary Gary for developing the work schedule for the year and for trying to accommodate everyone’s schedule to complete their weekend work hours. Also, a big thank you to Publication’s Director Melissa for getting the Beacon’s out consistently and to our Membership Director Debbie for her ongoing work with dues and all the incoming new members.
With the weather turning, the big work for the rest of us will start this month and really kick into high gear on April 17 th for our first Elite Brigade weekend.
As you prepare for the Summer, please make sure your NCYC Burgee is in plain view on your boat and remind all our members to do the same. This is also a great time to check all your boat’s safety equipment and update anything that is damaged or missing.
We look forward to seeing everyone face to face in April and May.
V/C Dale
Rear-Commodore’s Comments
Rear Commodore, Brian Fringer
It is now March and we are creeping closer to boating season and opening our club. We have our new committees in place, the weekend OD schedule is shaping up for the 2021 summer. We still have openings for weekday managers, please contact Tony or Kim Scicluna if you are interested. Tony’s phone number is 586-291-8193 or Kim’s number is 586-944-8153. The Blessing of the Fleet will take place at the Mariners Church, the Maritime Sailors Cathedral, on Sunday March 14 th and we will tentatively be represented by PC Calihan, PC Romatz and Vice Commodore Hall based on limited capacity. The ABYA is having a Horse Racing Spaghetti Charity Dinner on April 11 th at Huron Pointe Yacht Club. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, capacity is limited. Please contact Jill Romatz for more information or if you are interested.
Our Elite Brigade work parties will start April 17 th, please mark your calendars. We will need lots of help getting the club ready to open.
Thank you, RC B
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