2022 - May Beacon
Page 6 of 10
March 10, 2022
3) I know the above upgrade to the lot is expensive but is a much needed upgrade since the lot has been neglected for many years, and is well within the Harbor and Grounds budget. I defiantly believe that the members would benefit from the upgrade due to possible low lying areas that can be consider trip hazards. Also the benefit of the new stone would give the lot some much needed curb appeal to our members, guest, and future members
4) I Motion to accept this bid as stated below
St. Claire Grading will provided estimate – 10K to resurface and rough grade the parking lot.
**Motion to approve ½ cost of estimate to get on schedule of company. (Deposit of 5K)
Motion by: Terry Steinmacher
Second by: R/C Scott G
Motion: Carried by all.
**** End of report****
Marie Pepin
Boating Members: Senior Members:
45 26
Non-Boating Members:
Junior Members: Honorary Member
Five members to be sent letter in regard to unpaid Dues or Work/Pay hours.
Resignations Ron and Luann Curry John and Laura Stanley P/C Edward and Beverly McIntre Timothy Mazurek Motion by: Marie Pepin Second by : R/C Scott Greenfelder Motion : Carried by all
Leave of Absence
Year 1: Sullivan, Patrick & Brigida Year 1: Rzeszut, Rick & Cindy Murray
Motion by: Marie Pepin Second by : Christa Betts Motion : Carried by all New Members
Dennis and Denise Rouse
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