2024 - 02 - Beacon
North Channel Yacht Club February 2024 Beacon
Commodore’s Comments: PC Rick Romatz
As I’m sitting here putting this article together, I’m thinking Wow what an Awesome 2024 Commodore’s Ball we had at the Marriot Auburn Hills with Great Food, Accommodations, Entertainment and Amazing Camaraderie with great friends. If you missed this party, you missed out on the largest most elegant NCYC party of the year a fun time was had by all. Thank you to all of you for supporting and coming out to help with the set up for the Commodores Ball and for all the help behind the scenes helping with the preparations there was a lot of work going on to make this even such the success it was so Thank You to this entire Board and many members who pitched to help. Jill and I are also Grateful for some special help from people like my son Brendan, MC PC Bill Hendricks PC Brian Fringer Chaplain Mark Javery and PC Brian McEvoy for the help getting through the evening program. Renee McEvoy for Favors, Sue Brooks & Rachel Fringer organizing Flowers, Grand March, Reservations and seating arrangements, Gary and Shelly Schroka and Tracey Henkel for the help with Center Piece’s and Making flower’s and Carla Verkest & Cathy Scarpaci for the desert table and decorations, this just goes to show you how this club and its membership can come together to make these events successful. Thank You all. Looking forward into 2024 for NCYC a couple of winter events just around the corner our Rear Commodore Terry Steinmacher and Kathy Fowler are putting together Pinball Arcade Event March 3rd
watch for details on the NCYC Facebook page and Fan Outs for details. Jill and I are working on a Casino & Pub Crawl Winter Day Bus Trip!! March 23rd 11:00 am to 6:00pm PARTY IN THE D please watch the NCYC Facebook page and Fan Outs for details. Thank You
2024 Commodore PC Rick Romatz
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Vice Commodore Bill Burkhardt
Short and hopefully sweet!! A special shout out and thank you to Rick and Jill Romantz for a great commodore’s ball. The food, music and friends were awesome. I think everyone had a great time. The transition from Brian to Rick seems to have been seamless so great job by both of you. Stay warm, spring will be here before you know it, 65 days till Elite Brigade. Vice Commodore Bill Burkhardt
Rear Commodore Terry Steinmacher
The Commodores Ball started out the 2024 season with a bang. It defiantly takes a village to pull off such a great event. Word on the street is fun was had by all that attended. Thank you, Commodore, and First Lady for hosting such a great event. Commodore Rick and his First Lady Jill have a fun filled schedule for the upcoming season, so please get involved and show your support for our Commodore, and the 2024 Board of Directors as they have been working diligently to ensure that fun is had by all. I have been in touch and have been updated on the progress our new directors are making. I’m very excited for you to see them in action in the 2024 season. And I know we have all heard this before from my days as Harbor and Grounds, if you see something that needs attention, please bring it to our attention, so we can give it some attention.
2024 Rear Commodore Terry Steinmacher
A Message from Chaplain Mark Javery
Since the January Beacon was published and my notes added I have not been made aware of any in our membership who are hospitalized or have had a diagnosis of a new illness. That being said, it is virus season. Pray for our membership to remain in good health and for protection from sickness. On a personal note, thank you to everyone who reached out, sent cards, and prayed for me during my recent hip replacement. This time around recovery has been slower and more painful but our God is gracious as therapy went well and pain meds are hardly needed now. Happy Valentine’s Day……. Valentine’s Day did begin connected to Christianity as Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine. It was established by Pope Gelasius 1 in 496 AD to honor one or two saints named Valentinus for being martyred on February 14. Many people say Valentine’s Day is just a “Hallmark Holiday”, I heard it this week. Others are adamant it is a pagan holiday. I’ll choose its Christian origin and enjoy it as a celebration of love to share with my spouse. Although sometimes us adults can make love more complicated than it needs to be; remember, the power of a small simple gesture, a hug, or an unexpected card, all say “I love and care about you”. Of course dinner out, a dozen roses, and a box of chocolates also does I hope as you celebrate your earthly relationships you take a moment to remember that God above loves you far more and abundantly than you could ever imagine.
John 13:34 NIV “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
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Happy February! 2024 NCYC membership dues were to be paid by January 31, 2024. If you haven’t sent your check in, please contact me as soon as possible. For a better understanding of Club Bylaws and Policies regarding late payments, please refer to Bylaw Article V. Fees, Dues and Penalties Section 2 and Club Policy under Annual Dues Payment for an explanation. Any issues with scheduled weekend work hours should be directed to Mark Javery, Secretary. If you wish to change or submit a photo to be included in the 2024 Roster, please contact me, Shelley Sweier, Membership Director. We have had some questions regarding work hours and Club requirements. As you are aware, a Club membership includes not only the monetary payment depending on the member status, but Club Policy states under “Membership Work Requirements – Each member is required to work his or her minimum obligated hours as determined by the NCYC Board of Directors. Current NCYC Board of Directors approved work hour requirements: Boating and Non-Boating members: 20 hours per Membership – 16 hours on an O.D. weekend and 4 hours working at an Elite Brigade or Work Party (spring or fall) or 4 hours hosting a special event. Senior Members: 12 hours per Membership (8 hours on an O.D. weekend and 4 hours working at an Elite Brigade or Work Party (spring or fall) or 4 hours hosting a special event. Junior Members: 10 hours per Membership (8 hours on an O.D. weekend and 2 hours working a special event or at an Elite Brigade or Work Party (spring or fall). Bartending events does not count towards the required work hours. A membership includes individuals and/or married couples while residing at the same legal address. If one is unable to complete work hours, it is expected that the other individual under the membership will complete all required hours. If there are unexpected circumstances, please contact the Board of Directors and issues will be addressed on an individual basis.
For planning, following are the work dates scheduled for 2024:
April 13 – Elite Brigade April 20 – Elite Brigade April 27 – Elite Brigade
May 11 – First Spring Work Party May 18 – Second Spring work Party
October 12 – First Fall Work Party October 19 – Second Fall Work Party
I’m looking forward to serving your membership needs in 2024. Please contact me with any questions – sasweier@gmail.com or 248-330-2141.
Shelley Sweier, 2024 NCYC Membership Director
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Happy ValenƟnes Day! It is oŌen referred to as a day of romance – let’s frame the holiday with the true meaning of being kind to one another and celebraƟng everyone for who they are, spreading some love and kindness to those friends and family members that need it most! An opportunity to join the 2024 First Mates was included in the membership packet sent out earlier this year. If you have any quesƟons or have not received the informaƟon, please contact Sharon Javery, Membership Director, at five13sharon@aol.com. It’s never too late to join or parƟcipate in our 2024 events!
at the 2024 Annual Spring First Mates Fashion Show Sunday, April 28, 2024 ZuccaroÕs
46601 Gratiot Avenue Chesterfield, MI 48051 Doors will open at 11am for shopping, lunch and an open bar. Look for future fanouts and flyers with more details soon to follow. AddiƟonal upcoming events include the First Mates “General Membership MeeƟng” scheduled for Saturday, May 25 th at 10am inside the NCYC Clubhouse. Followed by the “PatrioƟc PaƟo Party” starƟng at 11:30 am outside NCYC clubhouse on the paƟo. Hint: start thinking about your red, white, and blue hors d’oeuvres to share! Ladies week is planned for June 16-21 st . This is a fun-filled week and a great way to meet the ladies, make new friendships, and enjoy all the events that are planned. More informaƟon to follow, be on the look-out for future fanouts and flyers.
Please consider sharing your Ɵme and talents with us as we look forward to a fun-filled 2024!
Warm Regards,
Cathy Scarpaci 2024 First Mates Publicity Director
North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting January 11, 2024
Commodore, Rick Romatz
Call to Order
Commodore Rick Romatz called the meeting to order on January 11, 2024, at 7:04 pm. The meeting was held at Your Mothers Restaurant.
Secretary, Mark Javery
Roll Call
Absent Excused
Rick Romatz Bill Burkhardt
x x x
Vice Commodore Rear Commodore
Terry Steinmacher
Tom Lisowski John O’Leary Philip Maniaci Christa Betts Melissa Winkler Mark Javery Shelley Sweier Shelly Schroka Bill Frederiksen
x x x x x x x x x
Harbor & Grounds
Activities Treasurer
Club House
Brian Fringer
Frank Corcoran
x x
Fleet Captain
Gary & Michelle Schroka
Pledge of Allegiance All.
Secretary, Mark Javery
Swearing in 2024 Officers
NCYC 2024 Officers.
Approval of Agenda
Motion: Philip Maniaci to approve the agenda. Second: Tom Lisowski. Motion Carried
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes January 11, 2024 Page 2 of 8
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Motion: Christa Betts to approve Minutes from previous Board Meeting. Second: Bill Frederiksen. Motion Carried
Commodore’s Comments Commodore, Rick Romatz Welcome to the January 2024 Board of Directors Meeting I’m excited to work with this entire board as we move forward with the 2024 boating season. I want to say welcome to the Board John O’Leary and Shelly Schroka I’m excited to move on into future of NCYC with you both in 2024 I know you both have a lot to offer Thank You. I have some goals that I think we should try to accomplish as we move forward into 2024. I will be looking to do things a little differently than in the past. Try to stick to Agenda items. Timely Motion discussions communicating through the month. Budgets and Forecasts for activities and Events. Save the date: The 2024 NCYC Commodores Ball will be February 3, 2024 at Marriott Auburn Hills. Further details will follow as we progress. First, I want to welcome all of our new board members for 2024. We are excited to have you join us for the best year ever. As we start out the new year, just a few reminders to have great meetings. ▪ All board members should read through the By-Laws and be familiar with them, and feel free to ask any Flag Officer if anything is unclear or confusing. ▪ All board members should read through the Policies as well. ▪ Always keep in mind By-Laws always supersede policy. ▪ When you receive your agenda review it asap. If there are any items that will reference either the By-Laws or Policy take a few minutes to review prior to the meeting. ▪ Take a look at the organization chart. You will see every board position falls under either the RC, PC, or C. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We are here to help. ▪ Discussion in the meetings should stay in the meetings. We all don’t have to agree on everything, (and won’t). But once a vote is passed, we all support the decision of the board. ▪ Vigorous discussion and disagreement if done right is very healthy for the board and the club. In closing we the flag are planning on a great year and with your help nothing can stop us. Vice Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, Bill Burkhardt
Rear Commodore, Terry Steinmacher
Rear Commodore’s Comments
1) First , I’d like to welcome everyone to the 2024 season, Commodore Rick has a fun and exciting season planned for all of us to enjoy. So, stay tuned for further information.
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes January 11, 2024 Page 3 of 8
2) I would also like to welcome the new Directors of Harbor and Grounds, Supplies and the returning Directors of Clubhouse and Membership to the 2024 Board
3) I have passed on a lot of information to our new Harbor and Grounds Director John O’Leary. With the information provided he will be up and running and ready for the elite brigades to begin and should be a seamless transaction 4) I spoke with Publications Director Melissa about getting the Beacon out in more of a timely manner. She asked for a little more cooperation from the Flag in regard to getting their correspondence to her. With that cooperation she has said there will be no issues with having the Beacon ready and out to membership in a timely manor 5) I have also spoken with our new Supplies Director Shelly Schroka and she has been in contact with Past Director Al Douglas and is gathering the information needed to prepare for the upcoming season. 6) Had a discussion with Activities Director Phil Maniaci and he is ready to get the new season started and excited to work with the event chairperson’s for all the upcoming events that Commodore Rick has planned. 7) To all board members we would like the membership to see all reports from all Directors so please when complete make sure that Board Recorder Frank Corcoran gets a copy of your report either by email or text.
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes January 11, 2024 Page 4 of 8
Treasurer, Christa Betts
Financial Report
NORTH CHANNEL YACHT CLUB Profit & Loss by Class Dec-23
Jan - Nov 2023 Year to Date 2023
2023 Budget
Income Activities
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
- - -
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
11,536.00 2,250.00 85,863.17 164,725.00 50,667.65
11,536.00 3,750.00 85,863.17 196,676.50 53,583.65
9,350.00 1,200.00
120,000.00 167,350.00 33,000.00
31,951.50 2,916.00
- -
14,155.00 378,165.68
14,155.00 414,533.18
17,000.00 374,650.00
Total Revenue
Jan - Nov 2023 Year to Date 2023
2023 Budget
Expenses Activities Clubhouse
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
45,279.71 60,309.74 38,443.78 6,631.47 58,537.85 7,767.66 93,270.64 14,652.05 30,766.60 355,659.50
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
45,279.71 60,864.14 38,895.88 6,799.34 58,537.85 9,555.89 107,050.48 14,652.05 36,525.60 378,160.94
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
19,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 6,600.00 85,000.00 8,950.00 62,450.00 12,000.00 26,000.00 320,000.00
554.40 452.10 167.87
1,788.23 13,779.84
Total Expenses
Jan - Nov 2023 Year to Date 2023
2023 Budget
Commodore Projects Walk-in Garage w/ Cooler
$ $ $ $ $
- - - - -
$ $ $ $ $
41,949.40 84,564.00 10,640.03
$ $ $ $ $
41,949.40 84,564.00 10,640.03
$ $ $ $ $
25,000.00 82,000.00 10,000.00 6,000.00 123,000.00
Robison Seawall
Walkways South and West of Boatique
Total Expenses
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes January 11, 2024 Page 5 of 8
Treasurer, Christa Betts
Financial Report (cont’d)
North Channel Yacht Club Cash Summary December 2023
Fifth Third Bank
Total Operating Funds
Cash Reserve Fund
Total Cash
NOTE: Dec-23 YTD Commodore Projects $137,153.43 Expenses in the amount of $22,501.44 Income in the amount of $36,367.50 Net income in the amount of $13,866.06 December Interest Earned $455.82 Cash on Hand $306,772.47
Motion: P/C Fringer to approve the financial report. Second: Mark Javery. Motion Carried
P/C Brian Fringer
ABYA Report
P/C Fringer gave a summary of the recent ABYA meeting.
Philip Maniaci
Director Maniaci plans to conduct a questionnaire to the Membership, soliciting their level of interest of the various events. The Board intends to increase its financial oversight of certain types of events.
Bill Frederiksen
No report.
John O’Leary
Harbor & Grounds
No report.
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes January 11, 2024 Page 6 of 8
Shelley Sweier
A. Resignations
Dave Costa (Boating) Paul Kelton (LOA)
Alex Mahon (Boating) Mike Napior (Boating) James Van Eaton (Boating)
Motion: Shelley Sweier to accept the above resignations for 2024. Second: V/C Burkhardt. Motion Carried
B. Requested Membership Status Change Al Douglas – Boating to Non-Boating Otto Isbill – Boating to Non-Boating Andrea Grennan – Boating to Non-Boating
Mike Linden – LOA to Boating John Mantyk – LOA to Boating
Motion: Shelley Sweier to accept the above requested status changes. Second: Christa Betts. Motion Carried
C. Accept Ava Frederiksen as Junior Member Motion: Shelley Sweier to approve above action. Second: Shelly Schroka. Motion Carried
D. Request for Reinstatement A member who was expelled in 2023 requested reinstatement as a non-boating member, based on the 2023 Board of Directors requirements. Motion: Shelley Sweier to accept request for reinstatement, due to meeting all requirements set forth by 2023 Board of Directors. Second: Philip Maniaci. Motion Carried
▪ As of 1/9/24, 5 members have not paid their 2023 work hours which were due November 30, 2023. (Holding 2024 renewal packets until money received.). Shelley to send final letters to Members referencing applicable By-Law regarding possible expulsion.
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes January 11, 2024 Page 7 of 8
Shelley Sweier
Membership (cont’d)
▪ The Membership Director requested that the boating membership be increased to 200 from 190. Based on current members’ changes in status as of today, we would accept 16 new members for 2024. (Action tabled until February Board meeting). Waitlist Update: - The Waitlist applicants were contacted and updated in December of their status. - Interviews for waitlist applicants will begin in the next few weeks, based on the number of current openings. The current waitlist is as follows: ▪
1. Christopher & Sarissa Geier 2. Kevin Geier & Amanda Smoger
12. Jeff & Victoria Bourdeau 13. Rudolph & Verona DeLorenzo 14. Thomas & Renee Schafer 15. Mark & Debra Reynolds 16. John & Corinne Christensen 17. Scott & Heather Etrich 18. Joe & Kimberly Lawrence 19. Connor & Andria Janski 20. Mark Stiers & Jacquelyn Lane 21. Joseph & Mary Ann Simon
3. Tim Thompson
4. Jay & Chris Wischow 5. Andrew & Lea Toth 6. Brian & Jennifer Irla 7. Joseph & Rose Klutz
8. Paul Hackett & Tara Avery 9. Robert & Ellin Shevchuk 10. Kenneth & Tamara Kiwicz 11. James & Cheryl Nielsen
22. Nicholas Berry 23. Jim & Linda Thomson
Current Membership: 190 Boating
43 Senior 12 Junior
24 Non-Boating
$58,875 deposited as of 1/9/24 for 2024 membership dues. $5,400 deposited as of 1/9/24 for 2023 work hours - $1,200 still due.
Melissa Winkler
Director Winkler provided an overview of procedures and timelines for 2024 regarding preparation and distribution of the monthly Beacon.
Mark Javery
The Secretary is presently developing the schedule for Member’s summer work hours.
Shelly Schroka
Shelly provided an update on the status of preparations for the Club opening.
Transportation Tom Lisowski Tom summarized the Fin Fleet status and, with the recently acquired pontoon, requested a Board decision soon regarding retirement of Fin #1.
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes January 11, 2024 Page 8 of 8
1. Project Update. Brief updates discussed.
2. Dues Increase 2024. Board discussed whether an increase should be proposed and submitted for Membership approval; topic to be evaluated during subsequent meetings. 3. Board Selected Nominating Committee. Board discussed current practice and conformity with applicable By-Law. 4. JYC Request incoming Rendezvous July 12-14 - Club outgoing Rendezvous. Tabled until February Board meeting. 5. Chris Adkins PIBYC Request for 3 boat Incoming Rendezvous July 5-7 weekend. Discussed and request denied. 6. Craig Sloan Request 3 boat Incoming Rendezvous 7-28 to 8-1 and also 1 boat 8-4 to 8-8. Discussed and request denied.
7. Island Party Request Tom Loy 6-12-2024. Request considered and denied.
8. Island Party Request John and Diane Caldwell, 6/12/2024.
Motion: Philip Maniaci to approve Caldwell request. Second: V/C Burkhardt. Motion Carried
9. Wertz Warrior’s Poker Run Wednesday 7 -17-2024; no Mgr at this time. Tabled temporarily.
10. Scott Goemmel, 4 Clubs Approx 40 boats Incoming Rendezvous 7-21 to 7-25-2024. Motion: Mark Javery to approve Goemmel request. Second: Bill Frederiksen. Motion Carried
11. Discussion/Approval of Committees – February Meeting.
12. Two Brick Paver Approval: Klicki and P/C Jarvis
Motion: Philip Maniaci to approve brick pavers request. Second: Mark Javery. Motion Carried
13. Discussion of possible BOD Meeting venue change
Adjournment 10:04 p.m.
Motion: Philip Maniaci to adjourn. Second: V/C Burkhardt. Motion Carried
Next Meeting
Date and Time: February 8, 2024. 7:00 pm.
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Member of the Month
February - Rachel Fringer and Renee McEvoy
NCYC wants to thank you for all your hard work and dedication to making the 2024 NCYC ball go off without a hitch!! Your attention to detail was impressive. The time and effort you put in to the favors, seating charts and reservations is truly appreciated. Thanks for being outstanding role models. We could not have done it without you!
NCYC Flag and Board of Directors
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Weekday Manager Schedule: We still have a couple weeks that need weekday managers!! 2024 Weekday Schedule Members: Weekday manager schedule begins May 19, 2024 Please add your name and team to the calendar of weeks below. Your help is greatly appreciated. Questions: Call Colleen Braun at 586-242-9698 or Ron Braun at 586-306-3531 May 19 - May 24 John and Shelley Sweier, P/C Brian Fringer / Commodore Rick Romatz May 27 - May 31 / Noon- Ron and Colleen Braun R/C Terry Steinmacher June 2 - June 7 Ed and Marti Mizgalski Marge and Jack Lucido June 9 - June 14 Al Douglas Rob Ault June 16 - June 21 Ladies Week - Jill Romatz Rachel Fringer June 23 - June 28 P/C Brian Fringer, Bob Fringer / Dennis Pomeroy June 30 - July 5 / Holiday July 4 Ron and Colleen Braun, Paul and Janet Briles July 7 - July 12
July 14 - July 19 Commodore Rick and Jill Romatz July 21 - July 26 Scott and Michele Goemmel Al Douglas / Julie Bush July 28 - August 2Ron and Colleen Braun Mike and Diane McCoy August 4 - August 9 Brian Malik and Lori Abry Michelle and Steve Barker August 11 - August 16 August 18 - August 23 Leslie Leitch and Patty Mok Kim and Tony Scicluna August 25 - August 30 P/C Randy and Linda Pagel Margaret Odette / Jerry and Sue Piccinin September 2 - September 6 / Noon Steve and Diane Marten Ron and Jeanine Kemp September 8 - September 13 Shelley and John Sweier Ron and Colleen Braun September 15 - September 20 Kim and Skip Schaffer Jim and Char Wunderlich September 22 - September 27 September 29 - October 4 Roman Kolodchin John and Shelley Sweier
North Channel Yacht Club Cash Summary January 2024
Fifth Third Bank
$98,300.00 $344,200.00
$126,781.60 $404,160.43
$180,577.67 $306,772.47
$181,018.77 $388,960.20
Cash Reserve Fund
Total Cash
NOTE: Jan-24 YTD Commodore Projects $10,068.40 Expenses in the amount of $6879.72 Income in the amount of $99,135.85 Net income in the amount of $92,256.13 January Interest Earned $441.10 Cash on Hand $388,960.20
NORTH CHANNEL YACHT CLUB CASINO & PUB CRAWL WINTER DAY TRIP!! 50/50 & BOOZE BASKET RAFFLE “PARTY IN THE D” Cost - $55 per person Includes: *Bus Trip (space is limited) RESERVE EARLY *Lunch (Heavy Appetizers) 1 Drink Ticket At: Old Shillelagh * Greektown Casino * Do Your Own Pub Crawl March 23 rd , 2024 11:00 am – 6:00 pm Pick up- Walmart Parking Lot 45400 Market Place Blvd Chesterfield Mi -South Side Parking WE WILL LEAVE PARKING LOT AT 11 AM ARRIVE FOR LUNCH AT 12:00 -RETURN TO BUS AT 5 PM RETURN HOME BY 6PM
Make Checks Payable to NCYC Reservations: Contact: Jill Romatz – 586-265-7793 Rromatz69@comcast.net
Lake Level Link
Looking forward to seeing you on the island!
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