2024 - 02 - Beacon
Happy ValenƟnes Day! It is oŌen referred to as a day of romance – let’s frame the holiday with the true meaning of being kind to one another and celebraƟng everyone for who they are, spreading some love and kindness to those friends and family members that need it most! An opportunity to join the 2024 First Mates was included in the membership packet sent out earlier this year. If you have any quesƟons or have not received the informaƟon, please contact Sharon Javery, Membership Director, at five13sharon@aol.com. It’s never too late to join or parƟcipate in our 2024 events!
at the 2024 Annual Spring First Mates Fashion Show Sunday, April 28, 2024 ZuccaroÕs
46601 Gratiot Avenue Chesterfield, MI 48051 Doors will open at 11am for shopping, lunch and an open bar. Look for future fanouts and flyers with more details soon to follow. AddiƟonal upcoming events include the First Mates “General Membership MeeƟng” scheduled for Saturday, May 25 th at 10am inside the NCYC Clubhouse. Followed by the “PatrioƟc PaƟo Party” starƟng at 11:30 am outside NCYC clubhouse on the paƟo. Hint: start thinking about your red, white, and blue hors d’oeuvres to share! Ladies week is planned for June 16-21 st . This is a fun-filled week and a great way to meet the ladies, make new friendships, and enjoy all the events that are planned. More informaƟon to follow, be on the look-out for future fanouts and flyers.
Please consider sharing your Ɵme and talents with us as we look forward to a fun-filled 2024!
Warm Regards,
Cathy Scarpaci 2024 First Mates Publicity Director
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