2024 - 02 - Beacon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes January 11, 2024 Page 2 of 8
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Motion: Christa Betts to approve Minutes from previous Board Meeting. Second: Bill Frederiksen. Motion Carried
Commodore’s Comments Commodore, Rick Romatz Welcome to the January 2024 Board of Directors Meeting I’m excited to work with this entire board as we move forward with the 2024 boating season. I want to say welcome to the Board John O’Leary and Shelly Schroka I’m excited to move on into future of NCYC with you both in 2024 I know you both have a lot to offer Thank You. I have some goals that I think we should try to accomplish as we move forward into 2024. I will be looking to do things a little differently than in the past. Try to stick to Agenda items. Timely Motion discussions communicating through the month. Budgets and Forecasts for activities and Events. Save the date: The 2024 NCYC Commodores Ball will be February 3, 2024 at Marriott Auburn Hills. Further details will follow as we progress. First, I want to welcome all of our new board members for 2024. We are excited to have you join us for the best year ever. As we start out the new year, just a few reminders to have great meetings. ▪ All board members should read through the By-Laws and be familiar with them, and feel free to ask any Flag Officer if anything is unclear or confusing. ▪ All board members should read through the Policies as well. ▪ Always keep in mind By-Laws always supersede policy. ▪ When you receive your agenda review it asap. If there are any items that will reference either the By-Laws or Policy take a few minutes to review prior to the meeting. ▪ Take a look at the organization chart. You will see every board position falls under either the RC, PC, or C. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We are here to help. ▪ Discussion in the meetings should stay in the meetings. We all don’t have to agree on everything, (and won’t). But once a vote is passed, we all support the decision of the board. ▪ Vigorous discussion and disagreement if done right is very healthy for the board and the club. In closing we the flag are planning on a great year and with your help nothing can stop us. Vice Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, Bill Burkhardt
Rear Commodore, Terry Steinmacher
Rear Commodore’s Comments
1) First , I’d like to welcome everyone to the 2024 season, Commodore Rick has a fun and exciting season planned for all of us to enjoy. So, stay tuned for further information.
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