2024 - 02 - Beacon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes January 11, 2024 Page 7 of 8
Shelley Sweier
Membership (cont’d)
▪ The Membership Director requested that the boating membership be increased to 200 from 190. Based on current members’ changes in status as of today, we would accept 16 new members for 2024. (Action tabled until February Board meeting). Waitlist Update: - The Waitlist applicants were contacted and updated in December of their status. - Interviews for waitlist applicants will begin in the next few weeks, based on the number of current openings. The current waitlist is as follows: ▪
1. Christopher & Sarissa Geier 2. Kevin Geier & Amanda Smoger
12. Jeff & Victoria Bourdeau 13. Rudolph & Verona DeLorenzo 14. Thomas & Renee Schafer 15. Mark & Debra Reynolds 16. John & Corinne Christensen 17. Scott & Heather Etrich 18. Joe & Kimberly Lawrence 19. Connor & Andria Janski 20. Mark Stiers & Jacquelyn Lane 21. Joseph & Mary Ann Simon
3. Tim Thompson
4. Jay & Chris Wischow 5. Andrew & Lea Toth 6. Brian & Jennifer Irla 7. Joseph & Rose Klutz
8. Paul Hackett & Tara Avery 9. Robert & Ellin Shevchuk 10. Kenneth & Tamara Kiwicz 11. James & Cheryl Nielsen
22. Nicholas Berry 23. Jim & Linda Thomson
Current Membership: 190 Boating
43 Senior 12 Junior
24 Non-Boating
$58,875 deposited as of 1/9/24 for 2024 membership dues. $5,400 deposited as of 1/9/24 for 2023 work hours - $1,200 still due.
Melissa Winkler
Director Winkler provided an overview of procedures and timelines for 2024 regarding preparation and distribution of the monthly Beacon.
Mark Javery
The Secretary is presently developing the schedule for Member’s summer work hours.
Shelly Schroka
Shelly provided an update on the status of preparations for the Club opening.
Transportation Tom Lisowski Tom summarized the Fin Fleet status and, with the recently acquired pontoon, requested a Board decision soon regarding retirement of Fin #1.
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