NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page3of 7

Financial Report

Treasurer, FrankCorcoran

Frank reviewed the financial statements from thebank. He reviewed theProfit and Lossdetail for theClubaswell as thedetail for each class. Theexpense for electricitywill bediscussed nextmonthwhenPCHughVestal andRichGoodmanarepresent.

Motion: MovedbyPCDonVanover toaccept the financial report. SecondedbyRandyPagel.




The lastmeetingwasheldat JeffersonYacht ClubonMarch3, 2014.

Wehave theAnnual ABYADinnerDancebeingheldatNCYC IslandonMay 31,2014. It is always agood timeandwearehoping for abig turnout fromNCYCmembers. Therewill bea catered dinner. Please contact PCDonVanover for tickets. TheCoastGuardhasdecided todiscontinue several buoys in theareadue tobudget cuts. CR1 which is at theentranceof theClintonRiver, andPHwhich is theentrance toMetroBeach. Also #8and#10. TheCoastGuard incorporates a small helicopter that isunsuitable formost rescues. It canonlyhold2peopleand isnot anallweather copter. TheCoastGuardneeds a larger helicopter andwill lobby thegovernment for helpwith thispurchase.


A thankyounotewas received fromMarkRathbone for the flowers sent for thepassingof his mother.

Anemailwas received from SamTundo fromThe International Propeller Clubof theUS. They would like to come toNCYC for a rendezvous in JulyorAugust. Commodore JohnAnderson emailedhimback informinghim thatwearebooked for incoming rendezvouson the weekends, but offeredhim to comeduring theweek. Awaiting reply fromSamTundo.


Activities - BobCarnaghi Bob stated thatNauticalMileYacht Clubwanted to come to the island for a rendezvous onAugust 8,9,10. Theywill haveabout 10boats. Motion: MovedbyBobCarnaghi toallowNauticalMile to come toNCYConAugust 8,9,10. SecondedbyBrianMakik.

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