NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page5of 7

M otion: MovedbyPCVanover toallowZachBlackburn tobea JuniorMember. SecondedbyBobCarnaghi. MotionCarried.

Publications- BrentMalik Brent gavea list of thememberswhoadvertised in theBeacon. EdgarAtnip: Oppenheimer, DavidMeldrum: BlanchardAgency, Bill Jarvis: JarvisRestoration, Kim Miedema: KushPaint,MikePilarowski: AlarmEng.,Mike Schodowski: Shelving Inc., Tom Szott: SzottAutomotive. Thankyou toall of you for supportingNCYC. Brent also encouraged themembership to support our advertisers. Brent also indicated that he hadothers thatwere interested inadvertising in theBeacon. If you knowof anyone whowouldbe interested inadvertising, please refer them toBrent. Thereare full year rates, but alsomonthly rates available. Secretary–RandyPagel Randyhas sent fanouts to themembership that theweekend schedules areout and asking for preferences for theweekend theywant. Hewill now fill in theweekends with the remainingpeople. Itwill be themembers responsibility tomakeany changes to that schedule.

Supplies –HughVestal Absent Excused. NoReport

Transportation–Pat Carroll Absent Excused. NoReport

Fleet Captain - IanBlackburn NoReport.


OLDBUSINESS Topic #1 StandbyGenerator: The information is still not available, tableduntil next month'smeeting.

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