North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting 9 February 2017
Call to Order Commodore, Pat Carroll Commodore Pat Carroll called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. The meeting was held at Mac Ray’s. Roll Call Secretary, Glenn Nixon F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Pat Carroll Vice Commodore Randy Pagel Rear Commodore Ian Blackburn D IRECTORS Transportation Darryl Campbell Harbor & Grounds Bill Calihan Excused Activities Tom Martin Treasurer Brian Fringer Publications Ron Draper Telecon Secretary Glenn Nixon Membership Kim Miedema Telecon Supplies Dale Hall Club House Scott Greenfelder I MMEDIATE P AST C OMMODORE P/C Chuck Stroh A PPOINTED P OSITIONS Fleet Captain P/C Tom McHugh Board Recorder Don Ruma All MOTION: Moved by Darryl Campbell and seconded by Scott Greenfelder to approve the agenda. Motion Carried Approval of Meeting Minutes All MOTION: Moved by Scott Greenfelder and seconded by Glenn Nixon to approve the 12 January 2017 Board Meeting Minutes. Motion Carried Commodore’s Comments Commodore, Pat Carroll Nancy and I would like to thank all of you for attending our ball, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. I would like to once again thank those who helped us in planning and preparing for our Ball. Randy and Ian, start preparing now, your time will be here sooner than you know. It’s February and in roughly six weeks, we will begin our Saturday trips to the Island, waking it up from its winter slumber and slowly preparing her for another season. It is time a for each of us to take a good look at what we need to accomplish, and what we need to do to make this year a success. Pledge of Allegiance All Approval of Agenda
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