NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
9 February 2017
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Supplies – Dale Hall Training is scheduled for the POS System on 3 March, Dale will send information to the Board and Flag for those interested in learning more about the system. R/C Ian Blackburn is preparing training aids / videos for operating the POS, and Dale is assembling quick reference guides for workers. Transportation – Darryl Campbell No Report. Fleet Captain – P/C Tom McHugh The 2017 NCYC Rendezvous Schedule was distributed. 16-18 June 2017 at Algonac Harbor Club – Contact Cassandra or Susan at (810)794-4448 to reserve a boat well; wells are $55 per night. The daily event schedule will be published as soon as plans are finalized. 21-23 July 2017 at NCYC – Christmas in July returns to NCYC by popular demand! 18-20 August 2017 at Mac Ray Harbor – The Thunderbirds will be performing at Selfridge Air Base, and this will be a premier location to watch the show. Call Mac Ray Member Services (Tammy or Anne) at (586)-468-1900 ext. 434 or 443 to reserve a boat well. Payment of $2.25 per foot will be required at the time of reservation. Space is limited to 20 wells, so make a reservation soon. II. OLD BUSINESS Incoming Rendezvous: A request was received from the Water Warriors (Barb Vanover) to use the club as a stop for a poker run on Wednesday, 28 June 2017, with 350 to 370 people on 25 to 54 boats. MOTION: Moved by P/C Chuck Stroh and seconded by Darryl Campbell to allow the Water Warriors to stop at the club on 28 June 2017. Motion Carried 2017 Committees: Nominating Committee: P/C Brian McEvoy Chair P/C Scott Bell P/C Bill Hendricks P/C Rick Romatz Diane French Frank Corcoran MOTION: Moved by V/C Randy Pagel and seconded by R/C Ian Blackburn to approve the Nominating Committee members for 2017. Motion Carried
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