Vice Commodores Comments…
Spring is here and with its arrival is the growing excitement of getting back on the water. Startin’ Over is set for an early April launch date. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. Linda and I attended the “Blessing of the Fleet” on March 12th at Mariners Church in Detroit. It was a moving service with area Yacht Clubs presenting their Flags to be blessed on the altar of the Church. Commodore Pat and first Lady Nancy represented us well. Also in attendance was Rear Commodore Ian Blackburn and his lady Marie, Fleet Captain P/C Tom McHugh and his lady Judy. We also would like to thank Tim Grennan from NCYC for his attendance. I would highly recommend any NCYC member attend next year. A small contingent of members visited the Yacht Club this past Saturday to make a list of things that need to be accomplished before the work parties begin. Many thanks to Darryl Campbell for getting Fin # 3 in the water this early in the season so we have transportation back and forth to the Club. The Elite Brigade work parties begin April 15th and continue for four Saturdays. The Club regular work parties take place Saturday, May 13th and May 20th. This is a great way to get reacquainted with your fellow members, and get to know newer members. Mark your calendars to attend one or all of these! Attendance at one of these weekends is a membership requirement.
Linda and I want to wish all of you a very Blessed Easter.
Regards, V/C Randy Pagel
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