NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
8 February 2018
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down 7/20-7/23, looking for someone to run it. Not known at this time. Also discussed the concern about sending a Fanout of this year’s schedules too early as members may not read updates that seem to always get made and get sent out afterwards. April Beacon is planned for the first publication of updated work schedules. Debbie mention she received a lot of dues checks that did not have the work weekend preferences filled out. Supplies – Dale Hall Talked last month about higher prices for nonmembers. Need additional way to allow members to get items at lower price. Can put a button on register screen for member lower prices. Need to work on this. Dale and Commodore Pagel talked about an additional wine tap to get the red wine off the cold taps and put it to the side of the existing taps. Getting quotes for this. Stay tuned. Transportation – Darryl Campbell No report Fleet Captain – Ken Lipowski Got confirmation 8/10-12 for Club Island rendezvous. They will be at NCYC same weekend. OLD BUSINESS Incoming Rendezvous/Poker Run rule proposal Looked at updated proposal sent out last month. Board approved the following: North Channel Yacht Club Incoming Rendezvous, Poker Run, Fund Raiser; Group Policies and Guidelines You are visiting a Private Yacht Club. The Club is staffed by Member Volunteers, there are no paid custodians. The following guidelines apply. A per diem for boats or persons may apply. Entry into and enjoyment of North Channel Yacht Club is a privilege which is extended to certain groups or individuals only during their continued compliance with these policies and guidelines. Groups or individuals not in compliance will not be welcome for future visits . 1. Your guests will be welcome on the island; Date _______________ from __________ to __________. Set up and clean up personnel, if any, are welcome from ____________ to _____________. 2. Prior to your departure, the group sponsor will be expected to police the island and collect and carry from the island all trash, litter, empty containers, etc. We don’t want your empties; we want you to leave our island the way you found it. 3. The group sponsor will be expected to stay on the island until the last guest has departed the island. 4. NCYC Members have Priority for all wells, docks, kitchen, bar, and all club facilities at all times. Guests are expected to yield at the request of any Member, including moving a guest boat if need be. NCYC OD or Week Manager or Harbor Master reserves the right to assign or re-assign guest wells. 5. Shirts and Shoes are to be worn in the Club House at all times, no wet bathing suits allowed.
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