Although there has been much activity preparing for the club opening, there is still much to accomplish, and we need as much help as possible to accomplish all the tasks. Please try to attend the Elite Brigade’s on April 13th, 20th, 27th and May 4th and the Work Parties on May 11th and 18th. With everyone’s participation and a little help from Mother Nature we should be in good shape. Another date to remember is May 5th, for the First Mates Annual Fashion Show and once again it promises to be an event to remember. The OD work schedule was recently released. Please ensure that you know what weekend you are working. If you are not sure, please reach out to the Club Secretary, Frank Corcoran. By doing our part, we continue the tradition and remain a “working club”. Ron Braun is working hard on assembling the Weekday Manager schedule. Currently we are down to three open weeks. If you or a team of members are interested in taking a week, please reach out to Ron at crbraun10@comcast.net. The available weeks are June 23-28, July 28-August 2 and August 11-16.
See you on the Island, Commodore Ian
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