August 2022 Beacon

August 2022 NCYC Beacon

From The Flag The weather has been outstanding in Southeast Michigan and July has been an excellent kick—off to a great Summer. North Channel Yacht Club has been vibrant with activities and the number of members on the island continues to be very strong for the year. The fourth of July weekend was a great celebration of our country’s Independence, and the island was full of members and guests. P/C Randy Pagel has truly brought back the excitement of 4 th of July to our island and the food and entertainment on Saturday were outstanding. This was topped off with an excellent brunch on Sunday morning featuring our own Bald Chef (Tom) and his entire crew. On July 9 th our traditional Surf & Dinner drew a huge crowd and the food and camaraderie were second to none. P/C Brian & Renee McEvoy have once again outdone themselves and the group of members that assist every year were very welcoming and accommodating to all the hungry members. A huge thank you from all the members for maybe the BEST Surf & Turf Dinner yet! Our Fleet Captain team of (Susan Burkhardt, Sharon Javery & Kim Miedema) held our 2 nd rendezvous at Ford Yacht Club in Gross Ille Township. What a great weekend with 20 boats and a ton of fun in the great weather on Saturday. Saturday evening included a scrumptious prime rib dinner and entertainment by “Category 5”, a local 80’s rock band. We will be attempting to get this group to NCYC in the future. Thank you to our Fleet Captain Team for a rendezvous that was enjoyed by all. NCYC ended the month by bringing back our traditional Poker Run. Over 85 NCYC members and friends participated and made stops at 5 different locations on the canals around Flamingo Street while enjoying hors d’oeuvre, lunch and specialty drinks. The run ending up at Belvidere Boat Club and then back to the NCYC island. What a great day full of fun and camaraderie. Early in July the board of directors voted to remove our sitting Rear Commodore at North Channel Yacht Club (NCYC) for disciplinary reasons. In accordance with the by laws, the Board of Directors have voted to appoint P/C Richard (Rick) Romatz as the Rear Commodore. Rick has accepted this appointment and will finish the 2022 term as Rear Commodore.

It is important for all members to understand that Rick cannot move from Rear Commodore to Vice-Commodore without being duly elected at the next annual election. In addition, Rick cannot run unopposed on the ballot at the next annual election. (Please refer to Article VII/Section 11 of the NCYC by-laws for complete details) The Flag and the Board of Directors would like to remind everyone that we are actively seeking people interested in moving NCYC forward and running in the election scheduled to conclude on October 8, 2022, at the all-member meeting. Please see the Chair of the Nominating Committee P/C Bill Calihan, to volunteer prior to August 18, 2022 and be ready to start campaigning on September 3, 2022. (Please refer to Article IV of the NCYC by-laws for details on eligibility to run for a position) The North Channel Yacht Club has reached a maximum number of boating members and the board of directors has elected to start a wait list. Membership director Marie Pepin has done an excellent job of updating the enrollment process in addition to processing many new applicants. We have had a very busy summer and filled our 82 boat wells during events on several weekends. With that in mind, we will be restricting membership for the remainder of the year. As we move into August and reach a very busy time of year for activities and visiting yachtsmen, we appreciate the patience of all our NCYC members with well availability, the wait at the bar and service during Friday night dinners. Please relax, enjoy the fellowship and know that the board of directors, the Flag and your fellow members behind the bar are all doing our best. We enjoy working side by side with all of you for the betterment of NCYC. See You on The Island, Your Flag,

Dale Hall

Brian Franger

Rick Romatz


Vice Commodore

Rear Commodore

Note from the Rear Commodore

I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to Commodore Dale Hall and entire Board and Flag for the appointment to the Rear Commodore position for the balance of the 2022 season. It is truly an honor, and I am gratified to have the opportunity to serve with these great people, our Board and Flag members. Jill and I are excited and looking forward to the possible opportunity of advancing forward to Vice Commodore and beyond after the Annual Election in October and being a part of moving North Channel Yacht Club forward in a positive direction. My / Our Goal is to and keep in mind the Traditions of this fine club and continue to make it Greatest on the Great Lakes. Thank You

P/C Rick Romatz 2022 Rear Commodore





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A Message from Chaplain Mark Javery

As the days of summer seem to be racing past it is my pleasure to report that since the last Beacon was published I am not aware of any of our NCYC membership who are newly hospitalized, sick, or in distress. I hope you all are enjoying your summertime which for many of us is a time when we enjoy extra time with family, catch up on our list of things to do, take a much needed break from our busy lives, vacation, and maybe … even catch up on rest. Returning from a recent vacation I remember feeling that I needed another to catch up on rest. I have so many times heard others expressing this same feeling. As much as we love the days of summer, fun times, vacations, boating, and the times that we share relaxing with those we love we can lose focus of where true rest comes from. I’m reminded that true rest is not found simply because its summer and I’m off work, true rest is found in the Lord. And the secret to finding real peace is not found in time off work and school, it’s found in Him. It’s in His presence that we find refreshing for our souls, renewing of our spirits, peace in our hearts, rest over our worried thoughts. Looking forward to seeing you all on the island soon. Wishing and praying that all in our NCYC family are having a wonderful and safe summer…and mostly you have the peace/rest that passes all understanding in your hearts.

New members approved on July 14 th , 2022 Matthew & Bridget Genette Mark & Sharon Malaspina Nicholas and Jordin Abraham Jack & Sheila Hanika Janice Wood David & Jill Dooley Michael & Lisa Passmore Application submitted for Membership Jeffery Schalm Applications on Waiting List Vincent Szymborski Anthony Rea

The Board of Directors have capped the membership to 190 Boating Members. Once this limit is reached, applicants will be placed on a waiting list in the order that NCYC receives the application form including the $250 application fee. The NCYC Membership Director will manage the waiting list and communicate with applicants regarding their status. The North Channel Yacht Club will continue to accept new applications for boating membership online.

Welcome to some of our newest NCYC members !

Janice Wood and her proud father John Tucker

Dennis and Denise Rouse

Mike Passmore

Mark & Sharon Malaspina

Welcome to some of our newest NCYC members !

Jack & Sheila Hanika

Alex Mahon & Alice DuBach

Nicholas & Jordin Abraham

Jason & Alayna Versical

Welcome to some of our newest NCYC members !

Matthew & Nicole Robideau

Mike & Jody Mallia

Matthew & Bridget Genette

Jennifer and Jim Robertson

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New Member Application

We have moved our membership application process to online! New applicants will now complete their application on our NCYC website. The applicant will enter their personal information, their sponsors (2) and submit their application online. The applicant will also receive information on how to mail their application fee. When the application is submitted, the applicant will receive a confirmation email and and notification will go to the Membership Director. Once the application fee is received, the Membership Director will be contacting the sponsors and applicant to discuss the next step. We will no longer accepting paper applications. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Marie Pepin 519-999-6297 or On the front page of , the new applicant will chose “Member Signup” The “Member Signup” option is available to site visitors only. Ensure that you have not login if you are helping a new applicant.

2022 Weekday Schedule Members: Weekday manager schedule begins May 30, 2022 Please add your name and team to the calendar of weeks below. Your help is greatly appreciated. Questions: Call Collee Braun at 586-242-9698 or Ron Braun at 586-306-3531



Team Partners

May 22 - May 27

P/C Ian Blackburn

Commodore Dale and Colleen Hall

May 29 - June 3

Terry Steinmacher/Kathy Fowler

Christa Betts / Colleen and Ron Braun

June 5 - June 10

Irene Martin and Jerry Krist

Rob Ault / John Mantyk

June 12 - June 17

Steve and Donna Kuhr

Steve Barker / Michelle

June 19 - June 24 LADIES WEEK

Colleen Braun

Colleen Hall / Christa Betts / Susan Burkhardt

June 26 - July 1

V/C Brian Fringer / Bob Fringer

Dennis Pomeroy

July 3 - July 8

Colleen and Ron Braun

Tony and Michelle Rybinski

July 10 - July 15

July 17 - July 22

Brian Fringer

Terry Steinmacher / Ron Braun

July 24 - July 29 PIB/CYC Rendevous

Scott Goemmel

July 31 - August 5

Colleen and Ron Braun

Harley and Linda Burris / P/C Ian Blackburn and Marie

August 7 - August 12

Leslie Leitch and Patty Mok

Trevor and Elizabeth Trelfa / Roman Kolodchin

August 14 - August 19

Mike and Linda May

Colleen and Ron Braun

August 21 - August 26

P/C Rick and Jill Romatz

Shelly and Gary Schroka / Nikki and Bill Frederiksen

August 28 - September 2

P/C Randy and Linda Pagel

Ellen and Dennis Alcazar / Ron and Colleen Braun

September 4 - September 9

Steve and Diane Marten

Ron and Jeannine Kemp

September 11 - September 16

John and Shelly Sweier

Christa and Doug Betts

September 18 - September 23

September 25 - September 30

P/C Bill and Terri Calihan

Russ and Pat Adams

October 2 - October 7

Roman Kolodchin

John and Shelly Sweier



Weekend Event Sponsors/Weekday Managers


Elite Brigade Weekends Official Spring Work Weekends Week Leading Up To Opening Fitting Out Weekend/Flag Raising

Worker Lunch - Commodore Dale & First Lady Colleen Hall

April 16, 23, 30/May 7

Worker Lunch - Commodore Dale & First Lady Colleen Hall

May 14 & 21

P/C Ian & Marie Blackburn/Commodore Dale & First Lady Colleen Hall Doug Betts/Bill Burkhardt (ODs) Steer Roast - P/C Bill & Sandy Bauer, P/C Denise & Tom Huntley (Organizers)

May 23 - 27

May 27 - 30



Terry Steinmacher/Kathy Fowler

May 31- June 3

ABYA Dinner Dance

P/C Glenn Nixon (OD) - Leslie Leitch (Organizer)

June 3 - 5 June 5 - 10


Weekdays Rendezvous (Port Huron)

Tony & Kim Scicluna

P/C Jim Angers (OD) Susan Burkhardt, Sharon Javery, Kim Miedema (Organizers) Steve & Donna Kuhr Ancient Mariners Meeting - June 16th @ 1PM - Bob Fringer (Organizer)

June 10 - 12



June 12 - 17

P/C John Dickson (OD) Don Ruma (Organizer)

Big Smoke Weekdays Chili Cookoff Weekdays

June 17 - 19 June 19 - 24 June 24 - 26


Ladies Week - First Lady Colleen Hall/Colleen Braun (Organizers)

Mark Javery (OD) -Shelley Murphy (Organizer)


V/C Brian Fringer & Bob Fringer P/C Randy Pagel (OD & Organizer)

June 26 - July 1

4th of July Celebration

July 1 - 4



Colleen & Ron Braun

July 4 - July 8

Tony Scicluna (OD) P/C Brian & Renee McEvoy (Organizers)

Surf & Turf Weekdays

July 8 - 10



July 10 - July 15

Rendezvous (Ford Yacht Club)

Dusan Rotarov (OD) Susan Burkhardt, Sharon Javery, Kim Miedema (Organizers) Open/Available Ancient Mariners Meeting - July 21st @ 1PM - Ron Kemp (Organizer)

July 15 - 17



July 17 - 22

Ed Mizgalski/Gary Jialanella (ODs) Shannon Nagaj, Tracey Richey (Organizers)

Kids Weekend

July 22 - 24 July 24 - 29



Scott & Michele Goemmel

P/C Ian Blackburn (OD) Commodore Dale & First Lady Colleen Hall & Others (Organizers)

Poker Run Weekdays

July 29 - 31


Colleen & Ron Braun

July 31 - Aug 5

Mariners Fundraiser (Euchre Tournament)

P/C Brian McEvoy (OD) P/C Randy Pagel (Organizer) Leslie Leitch & Patricia Mok

Aug. 5 - 7 Aug. 7 - 12



Rendezvous (St. Clair Harbor)

R/C Scott Greenfielder (OD) Susan Burkhardt, Sharon Javery, Kim Miedema (Organizers) Mike & Linda May Ancient Mariners Meeting - August 18th @ 1PM - Al & Margaret Herr

Aug. 12 - 14



Aug. 14 - 19 Aug. 19 - 21 Aug. 21 - 26


Roman Kolodchin (OD) P/C Rick & Jill Romatz Melissa Winkler (OD) Kim Scicluna (Organizer) P/C Randy & Linda Pagel Tom Lisowski (OD) P/C Glenn Nixon (Organizer)



Wine Tasting

Aug. 26 - 28



Aug. 28 - Sept. 2

P/C Beer Bust / General Membership Meeting

Sept. 2 - 5 Sept. 5 - 9



Steve & Diane Marten

R/C Brian Fringer (OD) Diane French (Organizer)

Commodore's Trap Shoot

Sept. 9 - 11


John & Shelley Sweier Ancient Mariners Meeting - September 15th @ 1PM - P/C Randy Pagel


Sept 11 - 16

P/C Rick Romatz (OD) P/C John Dickson & Jeff Edgerly (Organizers)

Smoke On The Water

Sept. 16 - 18 Sept. 18 - 23 Sept. 23 - 25 Sept. 25 - 30



Open/Available Al Douglas (OD)




P/C Bill & Terri Calihan Dennis Alcazar (OD)


Sept. 30 - Oct. 2



Roman Kolodchin

Oct. 2 - 7

Haul-Out / General Membership Meeting

Terry Steinmacher (OD) Commodore Dale & First Lady Colleen (Organizers) Worker Lunch - Commodore Dale & First Lady Colleen

Oct. 7 - 9


Fall Work Parties

Oct. 15 & 22

First Mates LABOR DAY ITALIAN DINNER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH 5:30PM Spaghetti & meatballs, marinara and vodka sauce, garlic bread, green beans, salad and Panna Cotta dessert


Come in for all of your vehicle needs!

North Channel

North Channel Yacht Club Board of Directors - Regular Meeting June 16th, 2022

Call to Order Commodore, Dale Hall Commodore Dale Hall called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m. The meeting was hosted at NCYC and through zoom call in. Roll Call F LAG O FFICERS Present Absent Commodore Dale Hall X Vice Commodore Brian Fringer X Rear Commodore Scott Greenfelder X D IRECTORS Transportation Tom Lisowski X Harbor & Grounds Terry Steinmacher X Activities Dennis Alcazar X Treasurer Christa Betts X Publications Melissa Winkler X Secretary Gary Jialanella X Membership Marie Pepin X Supplies Al Douglas X Club House Bill Burkhardt X


P/C Glenn Nixon



Susan Burkhardt Kim Miedema Sharon Javery X

Fleet Captains

Board Recorder Member Guest

Sarah Finley


Pledge of Allegiance


Approval of Agenda


Motion to approve June’s agenda Motion by: V/C Christa Betts Second by : Dennis Alcazar Motion : Carried by all

Page 2 of 10

June 16, 2022

Approval of Agenda


Motion to approve Meeting Minutes from May 12, 2022 Motion by: Gary Second by : Terry Steinmacher Motion : Carried by all

Commodore’s Comments

Commodore, Dale Hall

Huge accomplishments leading up to opening weekend. Blue awning led by Terry and his team was awesome! Finances are completely in order and moving very well, thank you Christa Betts for coming in a taking over that role. Rosters were on time in addition to the membership cards and the new POS system were up and running on time. Opening weekend went very well with the Steer Roast went well on Saturday and Flag Raising on Sunday was dedicated to Past First Mates President Vicki Klapec and P/C Cass Klapec and the speeches provided their son & daughter were very moving. Our entire membership should be proud of all their work and accomplishments. Special thanks to our Fleet Captains team for their coordination of the recent rendezvous in Port Huron. The city of Port Huron has come a long way in the past couple of years with the opening of restaurants and points of interest. Personally, I am very proud of all of you, this Board of Directors has been great and everyone is playing their part and I really appreciate all the hard work to ensure the launch went well for our opening weekend. Vice Commodore, Brian Fringer Thank you to everyone for their hard work during April & May to get the club ready for opening weekend. Opening weekend was phenomenal. Also want to thank everyone who was involved in the helped to organize the ABYA meeting, it was a good time. I want to thank all of the directors for their hard work and dedication to bring the club forward. Rear Commodore, Scott Greenfelder Hope everyone is enjoying the warm weather as much as I have. Quite the swing in temperature this Spring have made it difficult to make plans but, we pulled through. Now that the club is in full-swing I believe the entire club is ready for the summer’s festivities and all the plans I have seen look well planned, including what I heard went on Port Huron, it was a total success. Also, I would like to especially thank Terry for leading the crew for putting the awning back up. You guys did a magnificent job, I didn’t think it could look that good again, because it has not looked like this in 5 or 6 years. Especially and thank your team. Vice-Commodore’s Comments Rear-Commodore’s Comments

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June 16, 2022

Financial Report

Treasurer, Christa Betts

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June 16, 2022

Motion by: Al Douglas Second by: Dennis Alcazar

Motion: Carried by all.

Please remember to report receipts to Christa for accounting purposes

Motion to add Christa Betts to all the accounts for NCYC to accommodate the 5 th /3 rd bank policies Motion by: Christa Betts Second by: Brian Fringer Motion: Carried by all.

ABYA Report

P/C Glenn Nixon

Meeting minutes to be sent as soon as received to Board recorder from meeting in May. Thank you for raffle and all of the donations. SAVE OUR SOUTH CHANNEL LIGHTS Gold Tourney will be held in October. Details below. GOLF TOURNAMENT SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 2022 (RAIN DATE OCT 15 TH )

Page 5 of 10

June 16, 2022

MICHIGAN MEADOWS GOLF COURSE 4075 COUNTY LINE RD CASCO TWP, MI 48064 I will get a final tally on the proceeds from the

End of Report

Motion to recess to discuss correspondence. Move to Executive Session. Motion by: P/C Glenn Nixon Second by: V/C Brian Fringer Motion: Carried by all.


Activities Dennis Alacazar $218 profit for opening weekend. Big Smoke weekend upcoming. Every weekend there is something going on, so make sure you are in the know and communicate with everyone on the board.

**End of Report**


Bill Burkhardt

Page 6 of 10

June 16, 2022

Freezer in the bar has been replaced. Ice maker is waiting on a part to be replaced. Thank you Terry for assisting with kitchen replacements New lights in kids room.

**** End of report****

Fleet Captains Kim Miedema First rendezvous was awesome!! Thank you, SkipperBuds, for their generous sponsorship, their generosity helped us maintain our cost, especially in this environment. We are finalizing details for the Ford Rendezvous which has a waitlist. St. Claire is full currently as well, with waitlist available. (41 boats)

**** End of report****


Marie Pepin

** End of Report**

Harbor & Grounds

Terry Steinmacher

Page 7 of 10

June 16, 2022

1) First of all I would like to thank everyone that came out and helped with many of the projects that have recently been completed from hauling to spreading, to digging and erecting. Without all of you that turned out when needed we could not of completed everything in a timely manner

2) The playground received (100) bags of mulch

3) The new board walk received (100) bags of top soil and grass seed

4) The weed control for the harbor was completed

5) The canopy over by A dock has been resurrected. I’m sure there will be a lot member’s that are going to love sitting under it and enjoying the shade once again, not to mention how nice it looks from the water. Also would like to give a shout out to Clubhouse Director Bill Burkhardt for supplying the welding crew to make this all happen. It’s nice when members of the same team can come together to reach a common goal. I do realize that it is clubhouse but we take what we can get. 6) Harbor and Grounds also lent a helping hand to clubhouse to get all of the kitchen equipment recalibrated and repaired. All of the kitchen equipment works as it should. The char broiler needs (2) new burners with burner with burner protector’s, and also needs (4) rock grates. I am still waiting on a quote and the availability of the parts. I also spoke with Tom the Bald Chef for some feedback and he was very happy with the repairs. You can now cook steaks and burgers on the griddle. If anyone has any questions on how any of the equipment works please get a hold of me and I will explain. Also remember when using any of the cooking equipment to turn the exhaust fans on. 7) I do believe we have completed the lighting project finally with the addition of (13) blue lights along the boardwalk of the North Channel, and (12) lights around the patio. Enjoy them for the safety and the obeisance that they provide

**** End of report****

Publications Melissa Winkler Dale: Melissa has asked that I remind all of you to provide your information to her by the 5 th of each month. We are slipping back a little further back every month on the Beacon and she continues to be very polite and professional asking everyone to turn in their information early. She wants to get the Beacon out by the end of the first full week of every month.

Specifically, please send her:

 Flag Comments  Chaplain comments  Fleet Captain Comments

 The minutes for the BOD meeting (two meetings ago - May Minutes)  Ensure the Club Events information on the Excel sheet is updated

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June 16, 2022

 Event Flyers  New Members  Ancient Mariners Items (if any)  First Mates Items (if any)

** End of Report**


Gary Jialanella

Adding new members to the work schedule! The O/D packets are done and seem to be going pretty well. Ian has made a couple changes to the transmittal sheet so you can mail it in using your envelope or take a picture of it and text it to Brian McEvoy or you can email it to him. So there are a number of options you have rather than regular mail. But, you can still put it in the envelope and mail it.

Dale: I do have one request from new members from Ohio that want to move off of their week based on their travel schedule. They would like to move their weekend

Gary: This year we are pretty full so it is easier to move people around. We have a lot of new members coming in so we don’t need to swap them, we can just move them. ** End of Report** Al Douglas Update in pricing for level I pricing of alcohol due to not being updated since 2014-15. Restoring gross margin to 2016 prices. Restoring gross margins, level II and level III pricing will be brought up during future meetings. We went color by color of alcohol to determine gross margin. We are suggesting an increase in prices to restore the gross margins of before without gouging our members. Additionally purposing changing from 12oz cups to 16oz cups only. Supplies

We need to get more margin from our guests (poker runs, etc.) than we do from our members.

Motion to accept the new pricing being proposed by Supplies Director Al Douglas to restore the gross margins of 2016. Motion by: Glenn Nixon Second by: Brian Fringer Motion: Carried by all.

We are proposing that we get rid of 12 oz cups completely and move to 16oz cups only. Based on increased cost of certain cups, we will

**End of Report**


Tom Lisowski

FIN 1 – No complaints since I adjusted the linkage. Fin 1 starts correctly now FIN 2 – Running awesome and looks great! Fixed aft nav light broken wire. Replaced water intake tubing with a hard pipe. New 140 degree thermostat installed. Replaced gas tank sending unit for accuracy.

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June 16, 2022

Stainless steel rub rail (we need 4 pieces) being replaced for 64 dollars apiece. This will keep the pilings from getting blue streaks FIN 3 – It is working, replaced broken nav mast light. Engine roughing rough intermittently but, an idle speed adjustment corrected the problem.

**End of Report**

Old Business


New Business

Lions club committed to 8/17 100 ppl. Don Maska is Point of Contact. Motion by: Christa Betts

Second by: Gary Jialanella Motion: Carried by all.

Shady Acres boat club, 12 boats (out bound rendezvous weekend) 8/13-14. Bringing band with them, paid for by the Shady Acres boat club. (pending OD approval) Diane & John Caldwell is Point of Contact Motion by: Brian Fringer Second by: Glenn Nixon Motion: One Opposed

Selfridge Airbase Community Council 30 boats, 100 ppl 8/16 Motion by: Bill Burkhart Second by: Christa Betts Motion: Carried by all.

General Motors Club approx. 25 boats 8/1 Motion by: Marie Pepin Second by: Christa Betts Motion: Carried by all.

Catawba Island Boat Club – Surf & Turf Weekend – July 8-10 4 Boats (55-65 feet) No Motion:

Special Olympics Poker Run 7/20 50 boats Motion by: Gary Jialanella

Second by: Christa Betts

Motion: Carried by all.

High 5’s Bob Fringer - For completion of the NCYC Sign on the island Motion by: Marie Pepin Second by: Gary Jialanella Motion: Carried by all.

Brendon Nagaj - For his help and assistance every weekend with moving tables, setting-up and other activities Motion by: Christa Betts Second by: P/C Glenn Nixon Motion: Carried by all.

Member of the Month: Kevin Verkest Motion by: Terry Steinmacher Second by: Brian Fringer

Motion: Carried by all.

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June 16, 2022

Jim Douglas Motion by: Terry Steinmacher Second by: Gary Jialanella Motion: Carried by all.

Good of the Order

Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting at 2200 (1000 PM) Motion by: Bill Burkhart Second by: Al Douglas Motion: Carried by all.

Next Meeting Date and Time: July 14, 2022 @ 7:00PM NCYC

Member of the Month

PC Ian Blackburn

The North Channel Yacht Club (NCYC) Board of Directors would like to recognize PC Ian Blackburn as the member of the month of July 2022. Since Ian has been let back in the United States, he's no doubt making up for lost time. He spent the entire week before the club opened working around the clock making sure the club was ready for Memorial Day. He and Marie took a second-weekday manager stint in July which he spent cleaning windows, replacing toilets and anything else that needed to be done. He's always there to lend a helping hand. Congratulations Ian, you truly deserve it. PC Randy Pagel The North Channel Yacht Club (NCYC) Board of Directors would also like to recognize PC Randy Pagel as the member of the month of July 2022. Randy and Linda generously provided a wonderful fourth of July meal and following day Breakfast for the members on the island. Everyone had a wonderful time made possible by Randy and Linda. We appreciate and are grateful for your ongoing generosity to NCYC.


2022 Well Seniority List BY WELL


Well No.






Roman Kolodchin 1/5/22

Charles Herr Bill Hendricks


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Charles Herr Brian McEvoy Jeff Edgerly John Dickson Terry Hart Greg Criner Steve Marten Dave Gronbach Bill Hendricks Brent Malik Larry Malik Ron Kemp Mark Busch Kevin Verkest Ian Blackburn Brian Roath

1992 2008 2009


Ron Kemp

3/26/07 4/2/07

John Dickson Larry Malik Brian McEvoy Jeff Edgerly Terry Hart Mark Busch Steve Marten Ian Blackburn

4/2/07 4/26/11

4/7/07 2008



2013 2016 2006

4/26/11 5/10/11


4/29/15 4/7/07 3/26/07 5/10/11 3/23/21

4/3/14 4/29/15 6/1/15 4/30/19 7/19/20 3/23/21 2016

Brent Malik Greg Criner

Dave Gronbach Dennis Biel Brian Roath Kevin Verkest


7/19/20 4/30/19

Dennis Biel

Tony Ellul

1/5/22 19

Tony Ellul

1/5/22 6/9/22

Roman Kolodchin

1/5/22 6/9/22


Gary Jialanelia

Gary Jialanelia

( Rev. 6/25/22)


1 2 3


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12








( Rev. 6/25/22)




A L L E G R A D E T R O I T. C OM ( 3 1 3 ) 9 6 3 - 3 6 0 0 N e w M e m b e r S H E L L E Y MU R P H Y s h e l l e y @ a l l e g r a d e t r o i t . c o m

Lake Level Link

2021 Member Clubs

ABPS Anchor Bay Power Squadron BHBC Bay Harbor Boat Club

BYC Bayside Yacht Club BBC Belvidere Boat Club

CBBC Conger Bay Boat Club DPS Detroit Power Squadron GLCC Great Lakes Cruising Club GPPS Grosse Pointe Power Squadron HCN&SYC Harbor Club North and South Yacht Club HPYC Huron Pointe Yacht Club LBC Laketrotters Boat Club

NMYC Nautical Mile Yacht Club NCYC North Channel Yacht Club NSSC North Star Sail Club PCC Past Commodore's Club PMYC Poor Man's Yacht Club SHC Shores Harbor Club SPYC Sand Pointe Yacht Club SS Sailing Singles Y-Knot Boat Club

Looking forward to seeing you on the island!

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