August 2022 Beacon

It is important for all members to understand that Rick cannot move from Rear Commodore to Vice-Commodore without being duly elected at the next annual election. In addition, Rick cannot run unopposed on the ballot at the next annual election. (Please refer to Article VII/Section 11 of the NCYC by-laws for complete details) The Flag and the Board of Directors would like to remind everyone that we are actively seeking people interested in moving NCYC forward and running in the election scheduled to conclude on October 8, 2022, at the all-member meeting. Please see the Chair of the Nominating Committee P/C Bill Calihan, to volunteer prior to August 18, 2022 and be ready to start campaigning on September 3, 2022. (Please refer to Article IV of the NCYC by-laws for details on eligibility to run for a position) The North Channel Yacht Club has reached a maximum number of boating members and the board of directors has elected to start a wait list. Membership director Marie Pepin has done an excellent job of updating the enrollment process in addition to processing many new applicants. We have had a very busy summer and filled our 82 boat wells during events on several weekends. With that in mind, we will be restricting membership for the remainder of the year. As we move into August and reach a very busy time of year for activities and visiting yachtsmen, we appreciate the patience of all our NCYC members with well availability, the wait at the bar and service during Friday night dinners. Please relax, enjoy the fellowship and know that the board of directors, the Flag and your fellow members behind the bar are all doing our best. We enjoy working side by side with all of you for the betterment of NCYC. See You on The Island, Your Flag,

Dale Hall

Brian Franger

Rick Romatz


Vice Commodore

Rear Commodore

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