NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6
Good of the Order: Brian McEvoy mentioned that by cancelling the November general membership meeting, NCYC lost the $200 meeting room deposit. PC Rick Romatz will be notified to see if the venue can be used by the ABYA. At Haul Out, a board director witnessed an infraction of NCYC’s Zero Tolerance policy regarding unwanted physical contact. A motion was made to suspend the member for 3 months starting in May of 2017 based on NCYC rules “membership behavior”. “The behavior will be handled according to NCYC by-law Article 5 section 4. Motion: VC Pat Carroll Seconded: RC Randy Pagel Motion Carried
Adjournment Motion: Kim Miedema Seconded: Bill Calihan Motion Carried Meeting adjourned at 8:50pm Next Meeting Date and Time: November 10th 2016 at 7:00 pm. Location: Mac Ray’s Respectively Submitted,
John Sweier Board Recorder
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