NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
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Harbor & Grounds – Don Reiss
The generator was supposed to be delivered yesterday, however, the weather was so
bad it could not be delivered. Don requested permission to send a check to PLM Lake &
Land Management for a permit for the weed control in the harbor. Permission granted.
Membership- Brian Malik
No Report
Publications- Brent Malik
No Report
Secretary – Randy Pagel
Randy distributed the 2015 OD schedule. There is an opening for one weekend OD for
the weekend of July 24th. There is also 4 openings for week managers.
Supplies – Hugh Vestal
The bar is closed! PC Hugh and incoming Supply Director Ian Blackburn will confer
about prices for next year. VC Brian McEvoy commented that the First Mates approved
funding for a POS cash register system and it has been ordered. Discussion held on the
Transportation – Pat Carroll
Pat indicated that a spare boat motor that was stored in the garage is missing. He is
asking anyone if they have any information on its whereabouts to please let him know.
The Fins will be out of the water as soon as Bill Balfour can get to it.
Fleet Captain - Ian Blackburn
No Report. Ian stated that he getting with PC Hugh Vestal and preparing to take over
supplies for next year.
Topic # 1
A letter was received from PC JimWhyard stating his concern about the way
the PC pictures are displayed in the clubhouse.