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AMessage From

Chaplain Art Brooks…


We have received news of the passing of RAYMOND YOUNG,

father of longtime member, Rae Ann Whyard. Mr. Young died on

Sunday, November 30


at the American House in Royal Oak. He

had a long and happy life for 99 plus years. Please remember Rae

Ann and her family in your prayers.

LAURA BELL a long time senior member, mother of P/C Scott Bell, passed away Thursday,

December 4 , 2014. Laura had been in a nursing facility for a couple of months and hospice for a

few days. She will be missed by many.!!!

MARY ANN LUTZ suffered a broken leg from a fall in her kitchen due to a water leak from her

refrigerator. She had surgery last Saturday and is now recuperating at the Heartland Rehab

center on Utica road. Get well Quickly !!!

WILLIAM E. SNETHKAMP JR., September 24,1949 – 2014. Brother of Mark and Debbie

Snethkamp and Mary and Dave Hines, passed away.

During this holiday season, losses and confinements are faced by many. A card or phone call

would be very much appreciated as well as keeping these people in your prayers.