December Beacon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6
Welcome, here we are in the 11th hour. It was a great year. So far so good. Thanks to Rich Goodman for the work on the water project. Everything went smoothly. Still have 2 Fins in the water. Pat Carroll indicated that they will be coming out soon. We had an opportunity to go down to Ohio for our last rendezvous of the year. We visited 5 Yacht Clubs while we were there and I have to say they treated us like royalty. They bought us drinks and supplied food. They went out of their way to make us feel comfortable. We need to do a better job of welcoming incoming rendezvous to our island. We have some upcoming events that we need to have participation in. First the ABYA Commodore Ball in December and VC John Anderson's ball in January. Thank you to Don Reiss for a great job at the work parties, everything went like clock work. It will make it easier to open up the club next year. Good evening and thank you all for your attendance tonight. I feel that this is one of the most important meetings that we have as a Board during the year in that we authorize the expenditures of our Members' investment in the Club for next year. Ask your questions... do your due diligence. We and the Finance Committee are presenting you with a good balanced budget to live by in 2014. Please make sure that when we finalize and vote to authorize this that it's something we'll be proud to present to our Members on Saturday night. Vice-Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, John Anderson
Rear-Commodore’s Comments
Rear Commodore, Brian McEvoy
I just wanted to thank everyone who came out to the work parties. A lot of people jumped in to help close the club. Tonight I will be presenting the Forward Planning report. I just want to mention the members of that committee, Commodore Don Vanover, Ed Romatz, Ron Kemp, Don Ruma, Jeff Edgerly, Kevin Verkest and Ron Latowski. Thank you.
Financial Report
Treasurer, Chuck Stroh
I sent out the 2014 budget to the directors, asking that you each look at your own report. The directors had a chance to discuss their individual reports. The directors agreed that their 2014 budget looked good. Thanks to the Finance Committee for all of their hard work. There was a lot of interaction and good comments. There was a payment made of $45,300 towards the debt reduction today.
Motion: Moved by VC John Anderson to accept the financial report. Seconded by Diane French.
Motion Carried
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