December Beacon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6
The Port-A Potty and Waste Management were contacted and cancelled until the spring. A big thank you to all who turned out for the work parties. It was outstanding. I sent in a check for $200 for a permit for the weed control for next year.
Membership – Bob Carnaghi We now have 4 people on the waiting list. A discussion was held on the members that did not fulfill their work hours this year. Motion: Moved by Chuck Stroh to send out the 'Work or Pay' letters to those members. Seconded by Diane French. Motion Carried. Publications – Greg Brigman I need a picture of RC John and Bev Anderson for the Beacon ad for the Commodore Ball. We have only 12 people that receive the Beacon by mail. It is very costly to mail these Beacons, and I am suggesting that we stop the mailings. This was tabled until next year. I would also like to clean up the NCYC web site. I will be deleting some of the tabs that are not being used. Secretary – Diane French What a pleasure that it has been to be on the board. Thank you for your support. Just because I am not on the board, I will still be available to be on committees. I will be around to help in any way.
Supplies – Hugh Vestal No Report
Transportation – Pat Carroll The Fins will be coming out this week. Fin 1 is already in inside storage. We will start working on it next month. We have 18 boats in winter storage in the parking lot. Please remember to put your MC numbers and name on your boats being stored in the parking lot. Fleet Captain – Greg & Yvonne Murray Yvonne and I would like to thank the Flag and Board for all of your support this year. We had a successful year. Thanks to the Fleet Team for all of your help. A special thanks to Kim Miedema, Diane French and Chuck Stroh for your support. It was great
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