Rear Commodores Comments…

The 2015 Commodores Ball is behind us now but it has left us with fond memories of a great time. I would like to thank Commodore Brian McEvoy and his wife Renee for the fantastic time that they provided to all of us. If you did not make it to the ball, you missed the premier event of year. February reminds us that we are still in the hands of winter and its ruthless weather and road conditions. The ice dams in the St. Clair River have lowered the levels of Lake St Clair, but should not have an effect on the lake levels into the upcoming boating season. While most of you are awaiting the thaw and upcoming launch, the Board and Flag are hard at work, fine tuning this year’s projects and expenditures. One of the new concepts that we will be introducing this year will be new member orientation. We will be requesting all new members to attend an orientation session where they will be introduced to the rules, policies, and By Laws of NCYC. Any existing members would also be welcome to attend any of the orientation sessions. I can’t think of a better way to welcome our new members to our club and offer them a better way to get involved. This is my second article for the Beacon and if you don’t want to hear me preach about getting involved 34 more times, please listen and start getting involved with what we do, what we are, what we are about. You only get out of this club what you put in to it. Please volunteer for a committee if asked, or better, volunteer before being asked. Get involved, you won’t regret it. Rear Commodore, Pat Carroll

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