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North Channel Yacht Club 2016 Calendar of Events
July 8 th , Concert at the Club (Romatz)
July 16 th , Maumee Rendezvous (Nixon)
July 18 th thru 20 th incoming Rendezvous
10 boats Ohio Group
July 23 rd , Chilling Out (Open)
July 30 th , Ancient Mariner’s Event
August 6 th , Float Down (Carnaghi & Dickson)
August 8 th thru 12 th , Commodore’s Cruise Lake Cumberland KY
August 13 th Chilling Out (or Float Down Rain Date)
August 16 th Selfridge incoming
August 20 th , Karaoke (Vanover)
Sandpoint incoming rendezvous 15 boats
August 24 Lions incoming
August 27 th , St. Clair Rendezvous (Nixon)
September 2 nd thru 5 th , Labor Day Weekend
3 rd General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM – Meet the Candidates
3 rd P/C Beer Bust after the meeting
4 th First Mates Dinner
September 10 th , Commodore’s Golf outing (Romatz)
September 12 th ABYA General Membership Meeting (GLCC) First Mates Dinner
September 17 th , Smoke On The Water (Hart & Glick)
September 24 th , 2016 Chilling Out (Open)
October 1 st , Pot Luck (Swan / Pagel)
October 7 th thru 9 th , Haul Out Weekend
8 th General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM
8 th Bake Sale Auction (during the election results meeting break) (French)
8 th Election Results (With lots of bell ringing)
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