Good evening everyone, at this time let us bow our heads as we enter into our time of prayer. We now pray in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lord, You have told us that when two or more pray together in your name, there also You will be with us in our midst. So Lord at this time we cordially invite you now to be with us as we offer to you our thanksgiving and petitions this evening. Father we thank you so much for the Gift of Prayer, to have the divine ability to talk to You the Creator of the Heavens and Earth and of all living creatures great and small alike. Good and gracious God we thank you for this day of life, and we thank You Lord for all the generous blessings you provide to all of us each day. We thank you for our health, the food you provide for us, the clean water we drink, and the clean air we breathe. We thank you for our families and friends, and for Your Sacrifice on the cross to offer each one of us salvation. So Father we come to you now to ask you to help us engage with one another in a meaningful and joyful occasion at this year’s NCYC’s Commodore’s Ball. Help us Lord to be able to nurture and grow in our relationships, to become closer to one another, not only on an individual basis but as a united organization in this room of celebration tonight. All Mighty and loving God please also shine your light on the most gifted areas of this year’s Flag officers, the Board of Directors, all The Appointed staff, the First Mates President and their Board of Directors. Give to them an extra measure of wisdom Lord so they can utilize their God given talents that you created in them to effectively fulfill their callings to serve. How awesome it is that we have a Father in Heaven that created the Great Lakes with just a simple command from His voice. With that being said Lord we would like to ask You to please remember all our members that will be navigating these beautiful Lakes. We pray that You would allow the lake levels to remain safe and the waters to be calm for the destinations that are planned for this boating season. In addition Father please listen to our Heartfelt petition, as we now ask You with our deepest love and humility to please keep all our brave men and women that are serving in our armed services safe, and to keep them in good health, so they can come home after their tours of duty joyfully to enter into their families and friends loving arms. Lord, we would also like to ask you to guide all the Doctors and Nurses minds, hearts and hands, to bring members of our club and possibly members of their families back to health that may be suffering from illnesses, surgeries, or from any type of adversity that they may be experiencing. In closing Dear Father, we ask that you would please bless this food we are about to receive, and we would also like to ask You to Bless all the men and women this evening who are serving us tonight, the Management staff and all their service personnel, to offer them safety as they all return to their families and homes tonight. So as we also have to leave this place of celebration May You our Father in Heaven always and at all times walk before us to guide us, beside us to be a friend to us, behind us to support and comfort us, above us to protect us, and within us to give us your peace. WepraythatallthepetitionspresentedtoYoutonightLord willbedoneaccordinglytoYourwillandnotours. WeaskallthesethingsinthenameofourHeavenlyFather, AMEN!!
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