Commodores Comments…
First, and most importantly, I ask each of you to do as Sandi and I have, to keep your thoughts and prays with Joey Maniaci, son of members Philip and Joni for his recovery. Good time had by all!!! That is my assessment of the 2016 Commodore’s Ball. Sandi and I want to give a heartfelt thank you to all that attended the wonderful NCYC tradition with us. What a great venue with awesome food, music and fun. It takes so many friends and family to make this event a success and I thank each and every one of them who helped us. I hope that you have all heard PC Brian McEvoy’s choices for Member of the Year, PC Bob & Patti Watson and Spirit Award winners, PC Rick & Jill Romatz, both couples have earned their recognition. The work weekend dates are filling quickly. Please contact Secretary Tom Martin to save the dates you prefer before he has to spread the remaining membership across the remaining openings. We are still in need of a few week managers as well. Please contact PC Harley Burris to support the club and take one of the remaining weeks. Get a few friends and make it an event. We still have winter opportunities to share with fellow NCYC members. We have the monthly bowling at Total Sports. We can also support NCYC PC & current Commodore of ABYA Rick Romatz at the March rendezvous at Midland. The more members that attend the more fun we
have. Come join us for a great time. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Commodore Chuck Stroh
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