From the Editor…
Farewell Salute: P/C Joe Cox Before proceeding through this month’s Beacon I hope you’ll take a moment and join me in reflecting upon the service, dedication, and gifts to this club from P/C Joe Cox. While I didn’t get to know this man well, we did have one close conversation. It was last fall after the luncheon provided by the Ancient Mariners to introduce the years Director Candidates to the Ancient Mariners. Joe waved me over for a chat. I never got the impression I was being tested or even interviewed. Joe wanted to tell me things he knew about the club and infrastructure that would be of value to future directors. He was gifting his knowledge to me. I found him to be a strong, gentle man who cared deeply about his family and his club. He was quick to smile and laughed easily. A man gains a certain strength, a certain calmness, a confidence in himself when he knows he has the love and respect of family and friends. Clearly the man before me had it. I chose to adorn the cover photo with verses 9 and 10 from the 139th Psalm. The Psalm begins with verses about how the Lord knows each of us, who we are, and what we think. He knows us as we’re created, how as unique individuals we’re knitted together by our Creator one by one, each of us with a specific purpose. The Psalm segues to verses referring to our ultimate destiny and the return of our bodies to the ash and dust of the earth and our living soul meeting and residing in the house of the Lord. In the middle of the Psalm though, are verses 9 & 10 referring to the Lord’s presence with us; regardless of where we go, or whatever we do, we are not alone. It has the added benefit of paying homage to those of us who prefer to go to sea. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there thy hand shall lead me and thy right hand shall hold me fast. I thought this appropriate for the gentle man who waved me over for a chat. I hope you do too. BlueSkies&FollowingSeas, Ron
RonDraper Director, Publications
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