SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2019
PREMIER CENTER 20400 S. Nunneley Clinton Twp., MI 49035
DOORS OPEN AT 11:00 a.m. for shopping $38 per person includes luncheon & open bar raffles, 50/50, door prizes, shopping!!
Number of tickets ______________ @ $38 each. Total enclosed ______________ Name _______________________________ Phone Number __________________ Guest Names _________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Reservations are being taken by Linda Pagel Send this form and a check made payable to NCYC First Mates by Sunday, April 21, 2019 to: 37420 Lakeville Harrison Twp., MI 48045 Lindapag59@gmail.com – 586-242-0524
Questions? Call Colleen Braun, 2019 Fashion Show Chairperson 586-242-9698
In order to make this event a success, raffle donations are needed. Please contact Colleen Braun or Shelley Sweier if you would like to make a cash donation for a raffle purchase or to donate an item for the raffle. Thank you.
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