AMessageFrom ChaplainArtBrooks…
During the lastmonthwewere informed that Verna (Boots) Karasinski had surgeryat St JohnHospital. The last report was that shewas ina rehab center for post surgery therapy.We certainlyhope that recuperation is goingwell !!!!
Member TomSzott has informedus that a former long timemember andBoard Member (1985-87), KenSines, has passedaway inFlorida. Someof the membershipmay remember that Ken receivedanewheartmany yearsago. Please keephiswife, Julie, and sonKenny in your prayers. Themother of P/CHenrySiwek passedaway inCanada June30 th . Shewas 97 yearsold. Therewas a service for the familyheld inCanada. Thank you for a long life!
Please remember all of our friends in your thoughtsandprayers.
“AToast toOldGlory” byMabelMcCallum
Come, drinka toast toOldGlory The flagof the freeand thebrave. Come, drinka toast to the colors And the countryo’er which theywave. Come, utter apledgeof allegiance Andpray to theLordupabove. Come, singa song full of praises For the countrywe’ve learned to love. Come, drinka toast toOldGlory Andmean it, withall your heart. Come, prove to yourOldUncleSam That you’re trying todo your part.
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