Happy4 th ofJuly Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and has been able to spend some quality time on our beautiful island.
There’s still time to join the FirstMates. Membership is always available to anyone interested! Dues are only $20. Contact Cathy Jarvis at cathy_jarvis53@yahoo.com . Please encourage anyonewho is not currently a FirstMate to join!!!
Don’t forget to shop the Boatique, get yourNCYC gear.
Planning ahead, mark your calendars for a few important upcoming events. • GeneralMembershipmeeting is September 5 th at 10:30amon the island. • Labor Day dinner is September 6 th, hosted byMarie Pepin.
• Christmas Party is December 8 th . Watch the Beacon for further details.
Join a great group ofwomen. Please consider running for a board position. The 2015 First MatesNominating Committee is hard atworking looking for YOU! Respectfully, CathyCriner
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