NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 7
Brent stated that the rosters will be available on Memorial Day weekend. The roster is costing more this year than last year due in part to the increase in membership. The order includes 275 rosters, with 15 extra, which can be sold. Motion: Moved by Brent Malik to increase the roster budget to up to $700 more. Seconded by Don Reiss. Motion Carried. Secretary – Randy Pagel A discussion was held on the proper procedure for handling the liquor license for the non- profit incoming rendezvous'. Randy will check into this and report back to the Board. Supplies- Ian Blackburn Ian indicated that the lines for the coke products has been fixed. PC Bob and Patty Watson will be managing the club for the opening week. There will be many deliveries, so if anyone is going to be at the Club early, please give Bob and Patty a hand. Transportation – Darryl Campbell Fin #1 will be launched on Friday. Fin #3 is in good shape. The radio's will be installed and protected from the weather. A decision needs to be made as to which station we will be monitoring. Fleet Captain - PC Rick Romatz PC Rick Romatz was absent, but Commodore Brian indicated that the Port Huron Rendezvous already has 25 out of 30 tickets sold.
Topic # 1 A former member addressed the Board requesting to be reinstated as a member. Discussion held. Commodore Brian will contact former member to explain specific fee requirements as computed from By-Law Article V - Fees Dues and Penalties Section 5.
Topic # 2 The 2015 Forward Planning Committee is as follows:
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