First Mates Mention July 2016
Hello Ladies,
Happy 4 th of July!
The Island looks beautiful and the weather has been cooperating. We can enjoy the long awaited and cherished Michigan Summer. We are truly blessed! While reflecting on how fortunate we are, please remember to participate in our 2016 community charitable project to support Troop #71688 in donation of items to support boys and girls in St. Clair and Macomb County foster care. The project donation box is in the Club House. Please review the Beacon for the item list flyer. Thank you Sue Brooks and Diane French for chairing this activity. My last mention for this month is an invitation to all --- please feel free to get involved, don’t be shy – please volunteer and share your time, talents, and ideas. Your participation will make the NCYC First Mates a huge success and enjoyable 2016.
Cheryl Moore-Swatosh Publicity Director
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