NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
11 May 2017
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Crest Pontoon Visit: The regional sales manager for Crest Pontoons has offered to pay NCYC $1000 to allow Crest to bring in two boats on a Saturday so they can advertise and provide demo rides to people at the club. It is tentatively arranged for 3 June 2017, the weekend of the ABYA Spring Dinner Dance. There was subsequent discussion by the board. MOTION: Moved by Scott Greenfelder and seconded by Brian Fringer to accept the offer from Crest Pontoon to visit the island with two boats on 3 June 2017. Motion Carried Day Boating Status: The board discussed the concept of a Day Boating Membership. To add a Day Boating Membership status would require a By-Law change. Our club license requires that all members have an equal vote. Potential benefits and concerns with the concept were discussed at length, and the board’s opinion was that a Day Boating Membership would not be in the best interest of NCYC at this time. However, it was stated that any member has the right to initiate a petition that would bring a By-Law change to the general membership for a vote. Member of the Month MOTION: Moved by Bill Calihan and seconded by Scott Greenfelder for John Mantyk to be named Member of the Month. Motion Carried MOTION: Moved by V/C Randy Pagel and seconded by Dale Hall for Mark and Bev Schoen to be named Members of the Month. Motion Carried MOTION: Moved by Scott Greenfelder and seconded by Bill Calihan for Ron Kemp and Don Shepperson to be named Members of the Month. Motion Carried MOTION: Moved by Scott Greenfelder and seconded by R/C Ian Blackburn for Rex Oliver and Ron Braun to be named Members of the Month. Motion Carried Good of the Order Bill Calihan stated that the Pride of Michigan is set to be at the club for Flag Raising. He also stated that he and Luke Clyburn, the Captain of the Pride of Michigan, donated a swim ladder to NCYC. Commodore, Pat Carroll, stated that P/C Bill Hendricks would be excused from the ceremony to film the Flag Raising using a drone with a GoPro. The Commodore also asked that the Flag and Board wear their NCYC Board of Directors hats and shirts following the meeting and ceremony. KimMiedema requested proper direction for the number of stripes that should be on a board member’s uniform. Commodore, Pat Carroll, will investigate and let the board know. Kim also asked that the OD manual be updated for 2017 prior to Opening Weekend; Glenn Nixon has the action. Adjournment MOTION: Moved by Bill Calihan and seconded by Scott Greenfelder to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Next Meeting Date and Time: Thursday, 8 June 2017, 7:00 p.m. Location: NCYC.
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