R E N D E Z - V O U S 2 0 1 4 C L U B I S L A N D ClintonRiverBoatClub JULY 18-19& 20TH
We are very excited to inviteNCYCMembers to the July 18-20Rendezvouswhich will be located atClub Island. This is a reciprocal Rendezvouswith theClintonRiver BoatClub. It is an excitingway to visitClub Island and show off ourNCYC facilities. This rendezvous is all about relaxing, enjoyingClub Island, exploringwith the dinghy’s andparticipating in the IslandOlympicGames!
Your Schedule for theWeek-End: Friday
Arrival &Dinner from 6:30 to 8pm
Saturday Continental Breakfast &BloodyMaryBar from 8:30 to 10am Lunch - FishFry byRon&Ed at 12:30pm IslandOlympicGames from 2pm to 5pm Dinner -MixerCookout withCRBC at 6pm Evening entertainment at 8pm
Sunday Continental breakfast from 8:30 am to 10 am
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