NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page6of 9
Motion: MovedbyBrianMalik toapprove LennyPiecuchas anewmember. Seconded byVCBrianMcEvoy. MotionCarried Motion: MovedbyBobCarnaghi toapprove JohnKotcher as anewmember, pending payment. SecondedbyDonReiss MotionCarried. Motion: MovedbyBrianMalik toapproveGregSmithas anewmember, pending payment. SecondedbyRichGoodman. MotionCarried. Publications- BrentMalik The roster hasbeen sent to theprinter. Wearehoping theyget it back tousbyopening weekend. Members areallowedonlyone copy, however,weareorderinga fewextra copies to sell if anyonewantsmore thanone copy.
Secretary–RandyPagel NoReport
Supplies –HughVestal Hughdiscussed thenewprice schedule. Theprice listswill bepostedat thebar.
Transportation–Pat Carroll Fin Iwill be in thewater tomorrow. Theboats seem tobe running good. Pat stated that thereare someproblemswith themainlandwell rentals and storage inparking lot. Motion: Moved by Pat Carroll to change the wording in the summer well rental agreement to read "If the lease isnot receivedonor before thedate for commencement of the storage period, this agreement shall be terminated." And to change thewording of thewinter storage agreement to add "If the unit is not removed from the parking lot byMay1, a$50perweek late feewill be charged." SecondedbyPCHughVestal.
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