NCYC is officially openandLet theGamesBegin!What agreat start to the2014BoatingSeasonand it all came together perfectly. The weatherwas gorgeous, the food couldn’t bebeat andall of the membershipattendingwereawesome. P/CBobandPattiWatson were first upat bat andmademanaging that first pre-openingweek look likea pieceof cake. Thank youBobandPatti for laying the groundwork for all of the rest to follow. ThePomp, CircumstanceandTradition that theNCYC follows for Memorial Day openingmakes it oneofmy favoritesof things to attend for the season. There is a lot of specialmeaningbehind the Day itself not only inour personal lives but also inwhat has goneon withNorthChannel Yacht Cluband theNational Day of Remembrance together.
My thanksgoesout toABYACommodoreMatt Barells for attending theceremonyandalso to Capt. LukeClyburnalongwith theSeaCadetsandPrideof Michigan.
This year we re-visitedanother tradition that I am fondof and that is theSteer Roast. Thank youP/CBill andSandyBauer and crew, of which there is awhole list of helpers thatmake it all happen, for orchestratinganother successful NCYChappening! Another dynamic team that is never too far from theaction isP/CRick and Jill Romatz. If you’veever seena red-headed whirlwind full of energyand life it’s gottabe Jill. Snapof the fingersand there’s the rest of the meal togowith theBeef Roast. Another snapand there’sentertainment toget you dancin’ and singin’. Thanks to these folk’s efforts, wehada tastyAND successful Openingweekendat NorthChannel. Theaftermathof theSteer Roast is another excitingevent that cannot be left unmentioned. LEFTOVERS!Without the likes of theBreuhan’s, Campbell’s,Miedema’s, Schoen’sand Swatosh’swewouldn’t haveenjoyed the ‘Re-Visitingof theBeef’. Better knownas theTiara Group, TGWannabe’sandplainol’ BlackThunder these folks got upat aquarter toMimosa’s inearlymorningand started shreddingbeef before you could say BarBeeQsauce. They pulled off agreatmeal for all toenjoy. ThankYou! Monthsbefore, inadarkenedbackroomof theCrew’s Inn, newlyelecteddirectorswere huddled together busy drawing straws forWeekendManagers. Suddenlya curseandamoan, followedbyBrentMalik holding the short straw. Yes indeed…hedrew the short straw for managingOpeningWeekend!Well maybe it didn’t playout exactly like that but…. Brent… against all adversity youdidamagnificent job running the show for our first weekendof the Club. ThankYou!
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