NCYCRegularMeetingMinutes Page8of 9
Adiscussionwas heldon thePC'spictures in thehallway.
Moved byPCHughVestal that we keepwith tradition and that themost current PChave his/her picturemoved from thewall above the guest register to thewall directly adjacent. Thepicture will be placed in the upper left hand corner and all the other PCpictureswill follow in descending chronological order fromnewest tooldest. The first section of 33 pictureswill be full andeach year as anewPC is introduced to the upper left hand slot, the oldest PC currently on thiswall will slide to the right continuing ondown the hallway. The director listingwill be placedon thewall across from theMen's bathroom. Secondedby V/CBrianMcEvoy. MotionCarried. Topic#3 - Adiscussionwas heldonhow tomakeour incoming rendezvous guests feelwelcome. Motion: MovedbyDonReiss to issue2 freedrink tickets to these guestswhen theypay for their dockage. SecondedbyBrianMalik.
Member ofMonth:
RichGoodman identifiedHytham andNancyAljidaas themember of themonth. Rich towrite thearticle.
Motion: MovedbyRichGoodman tonameHytham Aljidaasmember of themonth forMay. SecondedbyBrianMalik.
Adjournment MOTION: MovedbyPCDonVanover toadjourn themeeting. SecondedbyPat Carroll. MotionCarried.
Meetingadjourned at 10:10
NextMeeting DateandTime June10, 2014at 7:00pm. Location: Crews Inn
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