For Sale
2005Carver 36Mariner Beam: 12'9''/3,89m
Bridge clearancew/arch: 14'2''/4, 32m Water systems: 75U.S. gal./283,91 liters Fuel system: 250U.S. gal./946.35 liters Cabinheadroom: 6'3''/1,91m Length: 36'7''/11.5m Horsepower: 375, 2engines Draft: 37''/0,94m Weight (w/fuel &water): 18800 lbs. TwinV-drive inboards
More infoupon request KathleenMcKeown 248-334-8899 kathmckeown@comcast.net
BOATPROPPELLERSFORSALE (2) LH&RH Michigan / Federal Dyna-Jet Nibral (3) blade, 26”x 25” pitch, super cupped trailing edge, 1¾ bore, with standard tapered keyway, brandnew in cartons. Johnny’sMichPropellers’ current price is $2900ea; $5,800plus taxwith 5-8week delivery. Askingprice is $4,500, no tax, immediate delivery! Ph. 586-506-6223 , Thurston
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