Board Minutes April 23, 2015
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Membership- Brian Malik Brian provided an overview of membership activities to date, and a tally of changes to date: Resignations - 11 Leave of Absence - 8 New Members - 15 New Jr. Member - 1 Brian provided a summary of interview results and presented the following members for Board approval:
Tim Grennan Michel Napior Brian Roath Dennis Koster Joel Garfalo - Junior
Motion: Moved by Darryl Campbell to approve membership for the five individuals. Second, Randy Pagel. Motion Carried A Leave of Absence request received from a member was presented for approval. Motion: Moved by Brian Malik to approve the request. Second, V/C Stroh. Motion Carried Brian provided a brief update on the status of recently mailed collection letters to various members. Based on available membership data, it was decided that the following members shall be considered as Resigned In Bad Standing:
Gerald Simpson Robert Limback
V/C Stroh reminded the Board of the ByLaw requirement that "An up to date list of expelled, resigned, and Leave of Absence members shall be posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse."
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