Board Minutes April 23, 2015

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OLD BUSINESS Past Commodore Pictures Location Following several past discussions and input from various P/C's, the following Motion was made: Motion: Moved by Darryl Campbell to relocate the following pictures: Commodores, Past First Mates Presidents, Past Recipients of the Spirit of the Year Award. The pictures are to be relocated and mounted in an appropriate location on the wall adjacent to the shuffleboard table. The Past Commodore pictures should be arranged in chronological order, reading from left to right. Second, P/C Vestal. Motion Carried Kitchen Floor Repair Project Following discussion on the underlying issues which contributed to the weakened floor, it was noted that one of the contributing factors was the existing sink and plumbing connections. After review and discussion with certain members experienced with commercial kitchen equipment applications and requirements, the Commodore suggested replacing the sink and making the appropriate and necessary repairs to eliminate future floor issues. Motion: Moved by P/C Vestal to allocate up to $1,000 for replacement of sink and necessary repairs. Second, Brian Malik. Motion Carried


2015 ByLaw Committee The Commodore proposed the following members to comprise the 2015 ByLaw Committee: a) Randy Pagel - Chairman

b) Art Brooks c) Ed Romatz

d) Diane French e) Harley Burris f) Ron Kemp Motion: Moved by V/C Stroh to approve. Second, Ian Blackburn. Motion Carried

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