NCYC General Membership Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 8
For the business at hand this evening, we are going to be covering the presentation of the Forward Planning Committee by Rear Commodore Chuck Stroh. Also, we will be presenting you the NCYC operating budget for 2015. My thanks goes to RC Chuck Stroh for the time and effort put into his presentation. Many thanks goes to VC Brian McEvoy and Frank Corcoran for all of their time and effort put into developing a budget for next year. V ice-Commodore’s Comments: Vice Commodore, Brian McEvoy Welcome to all and thanks for coming tonight. I wanted to say thanks to Commodore John and his wife Bev for a wonderful year, and for all you have done this year. A thank you to Rich Goodman for a great 3 years on the board. Also, a thank you to Bob Carnaghi for 6 years, we appreciate your time and effort. That is it for my comments, since I will be talking later in the meeting about the Forward Planning Committee recommendations. Rear-Commodore’s Comments: Rear Commodore, Chuck Stroh Thanks to everyone for coming this evening. It is an important way to stay connected to the Club's business. I appreciate all that Commodore John and Bev have done for the Club this year. I hope to see all of the same faces and more at the Commodore Ball in January. Let's all show Brian a good time. Financial Report Treasurer, Frank Corcoran To be discussed under New Business. ABYA Report: P/C Don Vanover This is my last and final ABYA report given to the general membership. The ABYA Commodore Ball will be held on December 6th. PC Rick Romatz still has some tickets available, please see him if you are interested in attending. The ABYA is a great organization to work with. I also wanted to say thank you to everyone for all of the support given to Barb and I for the past 7 years. The Club is looking great and I am glad to be a part of it.
Activities - Bob Carnaghi Bob Carnaghi was absent, but he requested Frank Corcoran to read his statement: Good Evening North Channel Yacht Club Members, I would like to first take a moment to say 'thank you' for my time here on the Board of Directors at the North Channel Yacht Club. During my 6 years on the board it was my pleasure to have attended approximately 96 board meetings.
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