Rear Commodores Comments…
I would like to take this time to extend my personal thanks to all of the members who set aside time over the last six weeks to participate in getting the club ready for the Memorial Day Weekend opening. The numerous projects that were planned for this spring, along with the many perennial tasks associated with the club opening, demanded a huge member turnout if we were to complete every one of them before opening. The member participation at the work parties was fantastic, the best that I can recall. The board had high expectations for this spring and the membership did not let us down. Once again, Thank You. The weather we experienced over opening weekend was not the best, yet it was nice to have a warm clubhouse when the lows bottomed out in the 40’s. It was enjoyable to attend a General Membership meeting and not hear someone yell speak up, we can’t hear you. The new POS system was easy to use and the ability to load our membership cards for bar purchases was overwhelmingly accepted. When the time comes for cleaning up, the repaired floor and new sink in the kitchen will make the task much easier. The conversion of Sam’s room from a cluttered office into another updated sleeping room is another welcome change. The turnout for Memorial Day weekend was good, with only a handful of slips left open. The Castaways dinner and party was great and a thanks goes out to those who put on Saturday’s dinner and Sundays lunch. Member participation has been great so far this year. We need to keep it up thru out the remainder of the year. Please make it a point to come out and participate in the many activities being held at the club this summer. RC Pat
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