July Beacon

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2024 Page 8 of 10

6. By-Law / Policy proposed changes

A. Proposed By-Law Changes:

1) Article III Membership, Section 2, H i.

Current: Any membership status changes must be requested in writing prior to January 1. ii. Proposed: Any membership status changes must be requested in writing to the Membership Director prior to January 31.

Motion: Shelley Sweier to propose change for forwarding to By-Law Committee for review and approval. Second: Christa Betts. Motion Carried

2) Article III Membership, Section 1, E i.

Current: Junior membership shall be available to the immediate family of current members in good standing between the ages of 18 and 25 years of age. Junior members shall enjoy limited privileges or extension of age limits of membership as determined by the Board of Directors; however, they shall not hold office or vote. Junior members in good standing for at least 5 years, may join as non-Boating members. ii. Proposed: Junior membership shall be available to the immediate family of current members in good standing between the ages of 18 and 25 years of age. Junior members shall enjoy limited privileges; however, they shall not hold office or vote. An NCYC burgee will not be provided to Junior Memberships, as they do not have docking privileges, which includes guest boats and incoming rendezvous sponsorship privileges. Junior membership only includes primary junior member and does not include anyone residing with the junior member who is not an immediate family member of the junior member. Junior members that complete the obligations for the full seven (7) years between the ages of 18 to 25 years of age will qualify for a waiver of the membership initiation fee. They may join as either non-boating members or boating members. Any shortage in junior member years or obligations will be reviewed and the initiation fee will be pro-rated by the Board of Directors. Junior members may apply for full boating membership at any time during their junior years by paying the pro rated amount of the initiation fee, as determined by the Board of Directors, as well as full payment of yearly dues. Motion: Shelley Sweier to propose change for forwarding to By-Law Committee for review and approval. Second: VC Burkhardt. Motion Carried with 10 votes in favor and 1 against.

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