June 2022 Beacon

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April 14, 2022

Commodore’s Comments

Commodore, Dale Hall

Commodore’s Comments It has been a very quick 3 ½ months since we were finalizing the Commodores Ball and starting to plan for the upcoming boating season. Now, it is upon us and we are 2 days away from holding our 1 st Elite Brigade Work Day. As the weather changes and the excitement starts to build, I am encouraging everyone to talk to our membership, get them involved and spread the excitement that the pre-season brings to NCYC. I cannot express in words my appreciation for all the help and dedication that this Board of Directors has shown in just 3 ½ short months. We have: 1) A strong financial position that we have made an extra effort to communicate consistently to our membership 2) A consistent/monthly publication of the Beacon, chucked full of the clubs business, good lake information as well as great boating tips 3) A great group of directors that have been planning, negotiating and preparing for our first weekend of work on the island Now is our time to really shine. We have six weeks to accomplish a long list of items to be ready for Memorial Day weekend and our official opening. I ask that everyone look for ways to help each other and engage our membership to once again, make NCYC the best club on the Great Lakes.

Commodore Dale

Vice-Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, Brian Fringer Looking forward to upcoming season. First Mates event May 1st, please support our awesome First Mates!! Rear Commodore, Scott Greenfelder Nicole and I are very excited for our 10th Season at NCYC. Please help identify new members on Saturday so they can contribute. Looking forward to working the next 6 weeks prior to opening. Rear-Commodore’s Comments

Financial Report

Treasurer, Christa Betts

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