NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 9
Transportation – Darryl Campbell Darryl was absent, but RC Pat Carroll indicated the Darryl is looking forward to purchasing the radio's and phones for the Fins and the Clubhouse. Fleet Captain - PC Rick Romatz PC Rick gave dates of this years' rendezvous'. June 26-28 will be Port Huron. July 31- August 2 will be Keans Marina. There are 30 wells reserved. The Commodores Cruise will leave from there to Lake Erie. August 21-23 will be at Mac Ray Harbor. PC Rick will get a flyer out soon for the Mac Ray rendezvous, since they need a total soon. There are 30 wells reserved. Details will be provided for all rendezvous' as it gets closer. Topic # 1 Member Initiation Fee: A discussion was held on the fee for initiation for new members. It was decided to leave the fee at $1,100. Topic # 2 Michigan Boating Industries Association Membership: A fee of $350 was paid to this organization allowing us to save $1,000 on our insurance. The only stipulation is to attend one meeting per year to this organization. Kim Miedema volunteered to attend the meeting. Topic #3 Beacon Publication Date: A discussion was held on sending to Beacon out earlier in the month. It was decided that the Beacon will be sent out within the first 5 days of the month beginning with the March issue. The meeting minutes will be provided in the following months Beacon. All articles need to be in to Brent Malik by the 20th of the month. Topic #4 First Mates Joint Meeting: A joint meeting with the First Mates is tentatively scheduled for the February Board meeting. Commodore Brian will confirm with the First Mates. NEW BUSINESS
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