For Sale

1993 Searay Sundancer $48,500 Call 586-615-5709 for details P/C Donald A. Vanover

32’ 1985 Marinette Sedan Bridge Cruisin’ Susan Great condition and loaded

Air heat and generator – 2 boat owner Contact – Tom Martin @ 586-774-5610 or - $35,000.00 OBO

BOAT PROPELLERS FOR SALE (2) LH & RH Michigan / Federal Dyna-Jet Nibral (3) blade, 26”x 25” pitch, super cupped trailing edge, 1 ¾ bore, with standard tapered keyway, brand new in cartons. Johnny’s Mich Propellers’ current price is $2900 ea; $5,800 plus tax with 5-8 week delivery. Asking price is $3,500 OBO, no tax, immediate delivery! Ph. 586-506-6223 , Thurston

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