Vice Commodores Comments…
My visit to the Detroit Boat Show has given me new hope for spring. Seeing all the toys brings me excitement in looking forward to the fun work of readying my boat for launch. It will get warm one of these days, I am sure of it. This time of year the board is doing the work of readying the organization for the opening of the club. Setting up committees and collecting volunteers to support the year’s activities. The most important attributes of our club membership is our volunteerism and the sweat equity that we put into the club and our facilities. This year is no different there will be tons to do. Give your board or flag members a call, and see how you can participate in the many opportunities to support our great club. The calendar is out and the elite brigade and work party dates are included. Please mark your calendars and save the dates to come enjoy the fun and comradery of your fellow NCYC extended family to make our island renewed and ready for opening. There will be new projects to help on, as well as the annul opening activities. For the newer members, this is a great way to forge new relationships that will change your lives forever. As the countdown continues for launch, only 28 days, it is getting closer every day! V/C Chuck Stroh
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