NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

11 January, 2018

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Pete and Pam Poirier want to host another Jefferson Beach rendezvous, preferably during one of the NCYC rendezvous. Darryl stated last year their outing went very well (“everyone was just incredible”). But it doesn’t qualify for them for their 4 hour work party obligation. Tom suggested we assign wells and guest wells should be used first. It was mentioned Pete and Pam are good at placing boats in appropriate wells. Motion to approve weekend of July 22th, V/C Blackburn, seconded Scott Greenfelder, Motion approved. Flower Policy: Judy McHugh submitted an email to Commodore Pagel regarding NCYC’s floral arrangement sent for past member Norma Riehl’s funeral. In comparison to the other floral arrangements present, NCYC’s was very disappointing. To avoid situations like this in the future, she is volunteering to take over the responsibility for sending flowers for events. P/C Carroll mention he was at the funeral and was not pleased as well. All agreed this was disappointing considering the great support the Riehl’s have provided NCYC over the years. Budget is $60, need to spend more. First Mates currently have responsibility for sending flowers. Board agrees to check with the First Mates and see if they would consider having Judy handle the floral arrangements in the future. Weekend OD status: Already discussed. 2018 Committees and assignments: Commodore Pagel needs committees to give him names of who will be on the committees. ABYA Spring Diner Dance: Looking for board approval for June 1st, 2 nd and 3 rd for their annual dinner dance at the club. ABYA is looking for one night pay and one night free. Must pay Friday first to get Saturday free. Motion to approve P/C Carroll, second Brian Fringer. Motion Carried Commodore’s Ball: Randy distributed the Commodore’s Ball program with instructions for the night. Set up is at 9:00am. Peter Frame will be the MC. Member of the month: None Good of the Order Tom Altobelli raised the concern about guests not signing in. Because NCYC is a private club, should we require guests to call in first before arrival? Being we now have VHF monitoring, guests should use this and call in first. Signs stating NCYC is a private club have been located and need to get displayed at both entrances. We used to post these sign and need to start posting again. Discussion took place regarding members not displaying club burgees on boats. Not displaying it makes it hard for weekday and OD managers to determine who are members and who are guest. Randy asked how do we enforced? Do we need to put in bylaws or club policies? Club burgee is mentioned in bylaws,

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